Meet the Team
Region XII Mission
Region XII, in accordance with the governing documents of NAFSA and, until properly amended, consists of California, Hawaii, Nevada and the U.S. Pacific Islands. The mission of Region XII is to advance NAFSA's mission and Strategic Plan within Region XII while responding to the needs of its members. Region XII leadership strives to reach these goals by: providing a robust calendar of professional development activities across the different NAFSA Knowledge Communities; fostering a leadership pipeline within the Region; administering various grants to encourage professional development; supporting the activities of the Districts within the Region; planning, developing, and hosting the annual Region XII Conference; and ensuring the Region’s financial health through fiscally-responsible decision making at all times.
Region XII Team
Sharon Ericsson

Anna McCreedy, MA

Nusha Shishegar

Ashley Arvanites

Jenny Hanner

Katie McClure

Lena Zadorozhna

Mary Alurwar

Raelyn Alvarez

Liz King

Jessica Fareri

Kathy Guillen Quispe

Aya Hara-Joesting

Adilia Ross

Kerry Gonzales

Violet R. Ket

Hiromi Mei Cooley

Bernie Wolfsdorf

Patrick Agullana

Daniel Yoder

Matthew Williams

Chikako Walker