Kathy Guillen Quispe Headshot

Kathy Guillen Quispe

Assistant Director, ISSS
Pomona College
Southern District Chair, Region XII

Kathy has worked with international students since 2016. She is currently the Assistant Director of International Student & Scholar Services at Pomona College in Claremont, California, where she has worked since 2021 where she serves as their PDSO and RO. Kathy gives back to her colleagues in international education by being part of the leadership team for LA PIER (Los Angeles Professionals in International Education Roundtable) from 2020-2023, on the Region XII conference team in 2022 and 2024, the chair of Region XII Southern District for 2025, and is also a certified NAFSA Trainer Corps member since 2024. She is also a part of the NAFSA Academy this 2025 year. Kathy graduated from UCLA with a BA in Sociology and an MA in Social Sciences and Comparative Education with a specialization in Comparative and International Education.