Education Abroad

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

Developing and Implementing Programs (from a U.S. Campus)

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Sub-topic>Developing and Implementing Programs (from a U.S. Campus)

Funding and Financing

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Sub-topic>Funding and Financing

Office Administration

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Sub-topic>Office Administration

Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

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Sub-topic>Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

Student Advising

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Sub-topic>Student Advising

Student Health and Safety

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Sub-topic>Student Health and Safety
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Topic>Education Abroad

Education Abroad Publications

NAFSA supports education abroad professionals in their daily work with a variety of publications. This page contains a select listing of NAFSA’s education abroad publications. For a complete list, please visit the NAFSA Bookstore. Advising and Administration Guide to Education Abroad for Advisers
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Considerations When Creating a Travel Policy

This resource is to help colleges and universities consider international travel policies for faculty and staff traveling abroad. In addition to the common elements of travel, it is essential to have resources to mitigate risks to travelers' health, safety, and security in this post pandemic world.
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Glossary for Education Abroad Visa Advising

This glossary was designed to support education abroad advisers in understanding common terms used when advising students who need a visa for education abroad. Please visit the NAFSA Shop for an on-demand training course on ' Visa Advising for Education Abroad'. Apostille An Apostille authenticates
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Management Development Program

Develop Exceptional Management Skills The NAFSA Management Development Program (MDP) is the most trusted and comprehensive management training program for international education professionals. Build managerial and leadership competencies by enrolling in this essential program for building
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Crafting International Education from the Middle

Download the March 2022 Issue By Jonathan L. Larson, PhD, and Kari B. Henquinet, PhD The COVID-19 pandemic has forced international educators to adapt to new conditions, structures, and modes of work. As has already been aptly noted, self-examination, open-mindedness, and innovation are general
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Visa Advising for Education Abroad

International student advisers advise students from all over the world on one immigration process – the process to enter the United States. Education abroad advisers must learn to advise students that travel to any number of countries around the world and keeping up with visa and immigration
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Katy Lane, PhD

Katy Lane, PhD is the director of the Center for International Business Studies, Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. She has worked in international education for nearly 15 years, creating new programs and initiatives, providing oversight for outreach and risk management, and leading
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NAFSA International Education Professional Competencies 2.0

Proficiency in all competencies requires strong familiarity with current trends and issues in international education and an organization’s missions, vision, and values. The NAFSA International Education Professional Competencies TM 2.0 are written to span and include each of the five NAFSA
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