Education Abroad

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

Developing and Implementing Programs (from a U.S. Campus)

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Sub-topic>Developing and Implementing Programs (from a U.S. Campus)

Funding and Financing

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Sub-topic>Funding and Financing

Office Administration

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Sub-topic>Office Administration

Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

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Sub-topic>Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

Student Advising

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Sub-topic>Student Advising

Student Health and Safety

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Sub-topic>Student Health and Safety
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Topic>Education Abroad

Nat Civ

Natasha (Nat) Civ currently serves as the Study Abroad Advisor at Santa Clara University, where she connects students with global opportunities, and learn how to incorporate their international experiences into personal, professional, and academic goals. Outside of work you'll find Nat studying
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Travel Advisory Level 3 - University Policy Examples

University education abroad programs are regularly re-evaluating their risk assessments and program viability in the age of COVID-19. Many universities and providers benchmark their policies against peer institutions. This resource includes anonymized examples of university education abroad policies
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Roadmap for Risk Assessment in Education Abroad

Utilize this digital download to produce a risk matrix and action plan for responsive risk management provided exclusively for NAFSA members. The Roadmap for Risk Assessment in Education Abroad outlines key considerations, resources, and tools to help education abroad professionals analyze risk data
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