Teaching, Learning, and Facilitation

2023 Spotlight Albany State University

UA President Marion Ross Fedrick
Albany State President Marion Ross Fedrick. Photo courtesy of Albany State University. Watch President Fedrick accept the Simon Award on behalf of Albany State University.

Albany State University is a public institution and HBCU in Albany, Georgia, with more than 6,000 students. Because few of its students study abroad, the university has successfully launched a professional development program that trains faculty across multiple colleges and disciplines to internationalize their courses. As a result, thousands of students have had access to global learning opportunities

When Christian Andrade Herrera traveled back to his native Mexico during the winter break of his first year at Albany State University to visit his family, he decided to take a six-hour trip to the village of Real de Catorce in the Sierra Madre mountain range. It’s a pilgrimage site for the indigenous Huichol people.

Even though he grew up in the same region as the Huichol, Herrera had never heard of the group before he took an introduction to anthropology class at Albany State. That class inspired him to travel to meet the people he studied about. “It was a great experience to see the things I learned in the classroom outside in the real world,” says Herrera, a biochemistry major who graduated in spring 2023. “I was able to immerse myself in the rich culture of the city and meet some of the Huicholes who owned a folk-art store in the city.”

That anthropology class was just one of around 100 classes at Albany State that have been infused with global content through a curriculum internationalization initiative. When Professor of English Nneka Nora Osakwe started at Albany State in 2004, she joined the ongoing curriculum internationalization initiative, assisting to train other faculty members on how to globalize their courses. Six years later, she became the director of the university’s Office of International Education, a position she held until 2021 before transitioning to her current role as an English professor and the provost’s special assistant for internationalization and global engagement.

A Renewed Focus on Curriculum Internationalization

Nneka Nora Osakwe
Nneka Nora Osakwe is a professor of English and the provost's special assistant for internationalization and global engagement at Albany State. Courtesy of Albany State University.

Over the years, support for curriculum internationalization waned under different university administrations, Osakwe said. When it became clear that it was difficult to recruit students to study abroad, Osakwe sought the support of a new president and renewed the focus on curriculum internationalization as a way to promote global learning in 2016. This trend accelerated in 2018, when President Marion Ross Fedrick enrolled Albany State in the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Internationalization Laboratory, which expanded global learning awareness on campus. Since then, external grants from organizations such as the U.S. Department of Education have helped institutionalize Albany State’s curriculum internationalization framework.

At the beginning of every semester, during the faculty-staff conference, the Center for Faculty Excellence schedules professional development sessions, which include curriculum internationalization. The Office of International Education partners with a select team of faculty internationalization mentors to train a new cohort of faculty to internationalize their courses and earn the designation of curriculum internationalization fellows. These faculty development projects and workshops also continue each summer. The Office of International Education has also collaborated with the Distance and Online Learning Department to develop an internationalization training portal in the University System of Georgia’s GeorgiaView learning management system for faculty who want to complete the training online. Faculty members are incentivized to participate through additional pay, publication opportunities, and favorable consideration during the tenure and promotion process.

Additionally, the Office of International Education organizes regular faculty forums where fellows share creative teaching and evidence-based approaches used in their internationalized courses at home and abroad. The forums serve as venues to train the cohort as they work toward becoming curriculum internationalization fellows. The faculty members become fellows after they submit proposals, go through the internationalization professional development, revise their syllabi to include six critical global learning elements, implement their revised course, and share their implementation outcomes in any of the forums.

One of the key components of Albany State’s approach to curriculum internationalization is through experienced faculty sharing best practices as curriculum internationalization fellows. Over the past two decades, more than 100 faculty members have earned this designation, leading to the internationalization of more than 100 courses. In addition, 24 of the fellows have published articles and book chapters that are used as models for training new and existing faculty members who also infuse global learning into their courses.

Thousands of students like Herrera have taken Albany State's internationalized courses. The College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Business, Education, and Professional Studies both require all their students to take at least one internationalized social science or humanities course, and the Darton College of Health Professions also requires first-year bachelor's degree students to take a cultural diversity course that has been internationalized. Having these policies in place signals buy-in at an institutional level, which sets the tone for faculty.

Internationalizing the Health Sciences

Albany State’s professional development opportunities make it much easier for faculty to take on the challenge of internationalization, says Andrea Dozier, the interim chair of Albany State’s Department of Nursing and a curriculum internationalization fellow.

It wasn’t until Dozier accompanied nursing students on a study abroad trip to Jamaica in 2019 that she began to understand the importance of curriculum internationalization. “I hadn’t ever been outside of the United States,” says Dozier. “I had to internationalize myself before I could internationalize the course.”

Dozier realized how important having a global perspective was for anyone working in the health care field. She chose to internationalize Conceptual Basis for Professional Nursing, a class taken by students who have received their nursing license and are already working in the field.

She was teaching online and wanted to create opportunities for those studying remotely to participate in internationalization. The assignments of the internationalized version of the course ask students to reflect on situations where nurses might not speak the same language as their patients and think about stereotypes they might hold about certain groups of people.

Now, nursing is becoming a model for the other health sciences. Sarah Brinson, dean of the Darton College, says that it’s her goal for all 13 of the health science programs to have at least one internationalized course. The introductory course taken by all physical therapy students, for example, now includes content related to how patients might need to be treated differently depending on their cultural background.

University of Albany Students at international fair
Albany State students attend a fair celebrating international cultures and experiences. Photos courtesy of Albany State University

Faculty Buy-in and Global Learning for All  

Some faculty were initially skeptical about internationalization, either because it would be too much work or because they didn’t understand why it was important. “I think that from a faculty standpoint, we get bogged down into the weeds and have so many other duties that the thought of doing something different is just overwhelming,” says Dozier.

Patrick Whitehead, associate professor of psychology, joined a faculty learning community sponsored by Osakwe because he was interested in taking students abroad. He was surprised when he suddenly had several new ideas for his classes. He spent three semesters refining an internationalized course on human development, which covers topics such as the transition from childhood to adulthood. He added international content, such as looking at childbirth and child-rearing in indigenous Canadian cultures.

When he first launched his new course, he tried to incorporate global material on top of the content he was already teaching. “I had 100 things that I wanted to cover,” he says. “And about halfway through that semester, I was like, ‘I don't think they're getting it.’”

He quickly cut down on the number of activities he was trying to do and found the students responded much better. “I understood that less can be more beneficial,” Whitehead says.

Whitehead says that curriculum internationalization is particularly important for a university like Albany State, where around two-thirds of the students are eligible for Pell Grants and may not be able to pursue study abroad opportunities.

“It’s really accessible, and that, in my opinion, makes internationalization probably more powerful at our school than studying abroad,” he says. “Even though study abroad is life changing, it still has limits in terms of who can do it just by the price tag. I see curriculum internationalization as even more valuable for our school as a whole.”

University of Albany Students
Students on campus at Albany State University in 2023. Photos Courtesy of Albany State University
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2023 Comprehensive University of Kentucky

UK President Capilouto
UK President Eli Capilouto. Photo courtesy of Mark Cornelison, Ukphoto. Watch President Capilouto accept the Simon Award on behalf of UK.

Located in Lexington, Kentucky, the University of Kentucky (UK) is a public research university with almost 33,000 total students, including 1,300 international students. The university has developed a strategic plan for global education called Global UK, which aligns with its overall strategic plan. Global UK guides a broad array of international programs and initiatives, including professional development opportunities for both faculty and staff; equity-focused study abroad programs, including an education abroad program for first-generation students; and a focus on data collection to assess the impact of its strategic initiatives.

Ana Carolina De Souza Goncalves has had a lot of firsts in the last year. Not only is she the first in her family to go to college, she’s part of the first cohort of a new study abroad program at the University of Kentucky geared toward first-generation students—Explore First: Careers, Cultures, and Connections. 
Coming to study at the University of Kentucky as an international student from Brazil created unanticipated opportunities, including the chance to spend three weeks in London through Explore First. 

“I had the opportunity to go to the U.S., and by doing that I created an opportunity to come to London,” says De Souza Goncalves, a second-year student majoring in aerospace engineering. “I think if you're already the first to go to college, then just embrace that and be the first to do a lot of different things.”

UK Associate Provost Sue Roberts
Senior International Officer and Associate Provost for Internationalization Sue Roberts. Photo courtesy of UK.

The Explore First program was developed as a joint effort between UK’s International Center and two units in the university’s Office for Student Success— First-Generation Student Services and the Stuckert Career Center. “It started as a concept that we wanted to bring to life to introduce career readiness within a global context for first-generation students as part of their academic experience at UK,” says Niamh Larson, executive director of education abroad and exchanges.

A total of 60 students traveled to London and Dublin in June and July 2023. Students took classes in the mornings and in the afternoons participated in cultural activities or employer visits. Companies included Accenture, Handshake UK, and LinkedIn. Students participated in résumé reviews, panel discussions, job shadowing, and informational interviews to learn more about their career options. 

 Around 27 percent of UK undergraduate students are the first in their families to go to college. The Explore First program, which covers all costs for students, was started with a grant from the Kentucky state legislature and support from the university administration. The Education Abroad and Exchanges unit plans to scale participation from 60 students in 2023 to 240 students in 2026.

While the program included international students like De Souza Goncalves, the majority of the participants were domestic students who had limited international experience. Some had never been on a plane before, and most had never left the United States. Program participants said that it boosted their confidence and gave them experiences they thought were out of reach. And the focus on career readiness expanded their understanding of what they could do with their degree. 

Recognizing the importance of scholarships in opening global learning to all students, UK awards more than $380,000 in education abroad scholarships annually. “We are increasingly committed to serving students who are underrepresented,” says Sue Roberts, senior international officer and associate vice provost for internationalization.

Based on data from 2018–19, around 19 percent of all UK students participating in education abroad identified as non-White, which is slightly higher than their proportion of the entire student body. The number of first-generation college students who study abroad rose from 105 in 2017–18 to 127 in 2018–19, or around 13% of education abroad participants. That’s a number that international education staff would like to see increase due to UK’s ongoing investment and strategic focus on comprehensive internationalization.

Creating an Inclusive Strategy

Education abroad is just one area of international education that the university has been expanding in recent years. The University of Kentucky International Center (UKIC) serves as the engine for international activities on campus, housing education abroad; international student and scholar services; international partnerships and research; international enrollment management; and international risk management. UK’s Global Health Initiative, which draws on the university’s expertise in life sciences and medical sciences, and the Office of China Initiatives are also under the umbrella of the UKIC. 
In 2021, UK launched a new strategic plan for global learning, Global UK 2021–26. The five-year plan built on the university’s previous internationalization efforts, which included participating in the American Council on Education’s Internationalization Laboratory and a long history of partnerships with different countries, including Ecuador. “It laid a really strong foundation for all our work but just didn't have a kind of coherent coordination function at the university level,” says Roberts. 

UK student holds the Afghan flag during International Day
A student holding the Afghan flag leads the parade of flags during UK International Day. Photo courtesy of Daniel Flener, UK.

Coordinated through the UKIC, Global UK was the result of a yearlong process that consulted stakeholders across campus and in the wider community. More than 45 leaders from across the university’s 17 colleges, research enterprise, UK Healthcare, and administrative units as well as  Lexington’s city government gave input on the plan as it was being developed. The plan aligns with the university’s overall strategic plan, UK Purpose. The plan aims to “facilitate learning, informed by scholarship and research; expand knowledge through research, scholarship, and creative activity; and serve a global community by disseminating, sharing, and applying knowledge.”

These efforts were supported by the university’s International Advisory Council (IAC)—a group composed of faculty leaders from each college that advises Roberts on relevant college-level academic and research initiatives. IAC subcommittees, such as the Education Abroad and Exchanges Committee, ensured that all aspects of internationalization also aligned closely with academic priorities.

The lull in the day-to-day operations of international education stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to reflect and look forward, Roberts says. The global plan has three pillars—inspiring global learning and discovery; fostering a globally engaged Kentucky; and creating a UK global hub—that guide all internationalization efforts. 

“One of the main things that came from this planning process is that we wanted internationalization to be integrated into all of the university’s missions and operations,” says Timothy Barnes, executive director of international partnerships and research. “We want not only research administrators, but also people in housing, purchasing, risk management, and human resources to be thinking about what internationalization means for them.”  

Mapping Internationalization

UK student Princess Magor Agbozo
International student Princess Magor Agbozo sits outside on the UK campus.
Photo courtesy of Mark Cornelison, Ukphoto.

Barnes oversees the Global Footprint Initiative, a data mapping and analytics project that tracks and provides visibility for the university’s partnerships, collaborations, research output, and other engagement. The data also help the institution assess the goals outlined in Global UK, with the plan to eventually launch a new website that visualizes the university’s progress towards each goal. The Global Footprint Initiative is also used to develop an annual global engagement report for each of the university’s colleges. 

One initiative that aims to help meet the global plan’s goals is the Explore First program, which focuses on inspiring global learning and discovery among more UK students. In addition to student involvement, another area of strategic focus for the university is faculty development and engagement in internationalization efforts. Faculty who support global engagement and advance campus internationalization are recognized annually with Global Impact Awards, and UK has also been actively engaged with hosting inbound scholars from partner institutions as well as through various Fulbright programs. In 2019, the university was also recognized as a top producer of Fulbright scholars.

In spring 2022, UK launched the Global Engagement Academy, a professional development program for faculty and staff that offers short courses on various topics related to internationalization. The academy offers foundational courses on internationalization at UK and intercultural communication as well as electives on topics such as advising international graduate students, how to encourage students to study abroad, and international travel readiness. Employees completing certain requirements receive certificates and digital badges and can apply for professional development grants. As of spring 2023, 234 UK faculty and staff had participated in the 90 sessions that have been offered so far.

“Our colleagues can build up their knowledge about internationalization,” Roberts says. “We've gotten to know folks who are interested in international work, even though that might not be their primary responsibility. So we’ve cultivated a bunch of allies and champions all over campus.”

In collaboration with the vice president of research, the UKIC also recently launched a funding program for international research collaboration, Roberts says. UKinSPIRE began awarding between $10,000–$20,000 per project starting in July 2023. Project proposals are required to demonstrate a significant international collaboration component and identify at least one collaborator who is primarily affiliated with a research or higher education institution outside the United States. UKinSPIRE proposal reviewers are particularly looking for projects that address one or more of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals; develop or expand collaborations with UK’s existing international partners; or include campus engagement events that highlight the collaboration and the benefits of global engagement to the campus communities. 

Roberts says that the new strategic focus on internationalization—with its commitment to increasing opportunities for both domestic and international students as well as supporting faculty in their international research and teaching—builds upon UK’s mission as a land grant university. Additionally, the comprehensive internationalization efforts at UK foster opportunities not only with key stakeholders on campus but also in the local community. “Everything the university does should be at least in large part geared towards benefiting the citizens of Kentucky,” she says. “The more internationalized the university is and the more opportunities there are for global engagement and for global learning, the better off the commonwealth is.” 

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2023 Comprehensive Northwestern University

Northwestern University President Michael H. Schill
Michael H. Schill took office as Northwestern’s 17th president in September 2022. He also serves as a professor of law in Northwestern's Pritzker School of Law and a professor of finance and real estate in the Kellogg School of Management. Photo courtesy of Northwestern. Watch President Schill accept the Simon Award on behalf of Northwestern University.

Located in Evanston, Illinois, Northwestern University is a private research university with 22,000 total students, approximately 4,000 of whom are international. Comprehensive internationalization at Northwestern is driven by the institution’s quest to foster a campus culture focused on addressing the world’s most pressing challenges. The university offers its students access to opportunities such as global internships and curricula built around the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. It also supports interdisciplinary research focused on global issues such as climate change and social and economic inequality.

In 2021, Northwestern became the first university to serve as secretariat of the U7+ Alliance of World Universities, an international alliance of university presidents who have committed to taking steps to address the most pressing global challenges. The first U7+ gathering, held in Paris in the context of the 2019 G7 Summit, brought together university leaders to discuss a common agenda and establish a framework for collective action on global issues such as climate change and sustainability; peace and security; and artificial intelligence. Today, 50 presidents from universities in 18 countries have joined the alliance.

“We see universities as critical platforms for global engagement,” says Annelise Riles, executive director of the Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs. “Universities are unique institutions in our societies, at the crossroads of global and local. They are deeply connected to their cities but also networked with one another and governments in this rich way. That means we have tremendous convening power.”

In its role as secretariat, Northwestern led the charge to bring almost 50 universities around the world on board with a set of commitments to peace and security. In the coming year, the U7+ aims to formalize its connection with the G7 as an official engagement group. Northwestern has also hosted virtual Worldwide Student Forums and Intergenerational Roundtables as part of this relationship in order to lower the barriers to engagement in discussion and debate on critical global challenges among students and scientists worldwide.

“Higher education is the only sector in society that's endowed with responsibility to think about the long term,” Riles says. “We are actors in global governance, and we have a responsibility and an opportunity to lead in that space.”

Educators come together in a summit held in a historic room
The fourth annual U7+ Presidential Summit was hosted by Université Côte D’Azur in France in July 2022, with support from Northwestern University, which serves as secretariat of the U7+ Alliance of World Universities. Photo courtesy of Northwestern University Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs.

Fostering Interdisciplinary Research, Teaching, and Learning

That’s an ethos that Northwestern embraces in its overall approach to comprehensive campus internationalization. Since 2015, when Northwestern was endowed with a $100 million gift from Northwestern alum Roberta Buffett Elliott, the university’s Buffett Institute has played a central role in the university’s efforts to expand its global presence. The institute oversees international student and scholar services; global safety and security; education abroad; and global research. Its mission is to promote interconnections between research, teaching, and learning; foster research that will solve global challenges; and prepare the next generation of global leaders, Riles says.

“We're imagining that our graduates are going to go out into the private sector, into NGOs [nongovernmental organizations], into the creative fields, into the tech fields, and they're going to be doing global governance in all those spaces,” she says. “We really want to prepare a much broader swath of students with the skills they need to lead in this multimodal world.”

One example of the unique global learning opportunities Northwestern provides to students is the Global Engagement Studies Institute (GESI), which has offered summer internships focused on international development since 2007. Students spend eight to 10 weeks abroad, live in a home stay, and complete a 30-hour per week internship at an NGO in Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Uganda, or Vietnam.

The front of the Northwestern building in Qatar
Northwestern University in Qatar is the university's campus in Education City, Doha, Qatar, founded in partnership with the Qatar Foundation in 2008. Photo courtesy of Northwestern University Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs.

Northwestern provides need-based financial assistance to students for tuition, travel, and living expenses thanks to funding from private donors. All GESI partner organizations also receive support from Northwestern in the form of seed grants to fund the projects that students work on during their internships. The Buffett Institute also provides need-based financial aid to some international students, who make up around one-fifth of Northwestern’s student body, which has helped increase the diversity of countries that international students come from. In addition, its virtual visitorship grants create an accessible opportunity for faculty from across the university to virtually host scholars who might not be able to travel to campus. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Northwestern adapted the GESI program to create a remote internship opportunity, Virtual Global Development in Action, which won the 2022 NAFSA Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award. In its first year, 65 percent of virtual GESI participants were students of color, while 71 percent of students who studied abroad nationally were White.

Funding for virtual international engagement is also available through International Classroom Partnering Grants, which support faculty in establishing new relationships with international collaborators or strengthening existing ones. Ultimately, the aim is to create additional, regularly offered courses that will provide students with opportunities to build their global perspectives and intercultural competencies “at home.” Such courses could provide greater access to global learning for students lacking the financial means or the time in their programs to study abroad.

To ensure an interdisciplinary focus in its work and promote collaboration across the university, several Northwestern schools have established joint faculty appointments with the Buffett Institute. Additionally, the institute’s Global Learning Office appointed an associate director for curriculum and instruction, who also serves as a faculty member in the Anthropology Department. This position has resulted in a set of core learning outcomes for international program development and assessment that embeds ethical global engagement as an integral component of all global learning programs. The Buffett Institute also led Northwestern’s global strategic planning process in consultation with more than 200 faculty, staff, students, and alumni. The plan established the Global Council, a governance structure composed of senior leaders—representing each of Northwestern’s schools—who are charged with defining key priorities for globalization.

Law Professor Jim Speta oversaw the international portfolio of the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law for 13 years. When he first started, internationalization was done within each school at the university. The Buffett Institute and structures such as the Global Council and a faculty advisory committee have helped promote coordination and collaboration across the university. “The schools still have a lot of autonomy, but we’re much more connected as a university,” Speta says. “There are many programs which bring faculty and administrators from different schools together in ways that never happened before.”

Addressing Global Challenges Through the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

The Northwestern Global Strategic Plan also integrates the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) into its overall approach to internationalization. In 2022, Northwestern launched a new tagging initiative that allows students to search for and enroll in courses related to the UN SDGs.

The Buffett Institute also promotes research that supports the SDGs through its annual Idea Incubation Process, which came out of the global strategic planning process. The goal is to encourage faculty to engage in interdisciplinary, transnational research aimed at addressing one or more of the SDGs. So far, the institute has provided up to $300,000 to each of 11 interdisciplinary global working groups dedicated to addressing global issues ranging from antibiotic resistance to disproportionate impacts of environmental challenges. In addition, the Buffett Institute offers Graduate Student Research Travel Awards for research focused on one or more of the SDGs.

“The UN SDGs have proven to be a useful framing device for the Buffett Institute, as they point both to the specific nature of the global challenges we all face and the way in which they are so thoroughly intertwined with one another,” says Baron Reed, deputy director of the institute. “In structuring our work in this way, our aim is to help researchers—as well as the rising generation of leaders, inside and outside of the academy—find the avenues that will allow their work to have the greatest impact in the service of humanity.”

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2023 Comprehensive Georgia State University

GSU President Brian Blake
GSU President M. Brian Blake.
Photo courtesy of GSU. Watch President Blake
accept the Simon Award on behalf of GSU

Located in Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia State University (GSU) is a public research university with more than 54,000 total students and over 3,000 international students. Since 2010, GSU has embedded its commitment to internationalization in multiple strategic plans. The university has demonstrated its promise to increase access to global opportunities for all students through robust programming that includes a free passport program, virtual exchanges, support for immigrant and refugee students, and data-driven international partnerships. Around a third of GSU’s total students are enrolled at Perimeter College, which offers more than 30 associate’s degree pathways as part of the university system.

Georgia State University celebrated a significant milestone in 2021: more than 1,200 GSU students received their very first passports, through a new free passport program. Even though COVID-19 had halted most global travel in 2020, staff in the university’s Office of International Initiatives (OII) wanted to find a way to maintain interest in experiences abroad and lay the groundwork for a robust rebound in study abroad participation after the pandemic. The OII partnered with the passport offices on its Atlanta and Clarkston, GA, campuses to launch the initiative in February 2021.

As a result, the number and diversity of Georgia State students with a valid U.S. passport significantly increased. Of the 1,381 students who had received a passport through the initiative, 80 percent self-identified as non-White or racially underrepresented.

“We wanted to be able to provide passports for students who may not have even thought about going abroad,” says Provost Nicolle Parsons-Pollard. “We wanted students to be prepared to travel when the country opened back up. Just knowing that that part is already done is the thing that gets you to really think about what these experiences could look like and to realize that they're for you too.”

Part of the success of the program — which is ongoing — was the fact that it was strategically connected to the study abroad office. In order to receive a free passport, students must attend an in-person or virtual Study Abroad 101 workshop. “It’s not just giving them a free passport. The program is designed to connect students to our office so they have an introduction to who can help and how,” says Farrah Bernardino, senior director of the OII. “We give them the knowledge and tools they need to set them up for success in pursuing an international experience.”

Bernardino says that the passport program is just one of many ways that Georgia State makes international opportunities available to more of its students, in turn increasing representation and access to global education. GSU has sent more Black and African American students abroad than any other public higher education institution in the country. Perimeter College, which has been part of the GSU system since 2016, also boasts a study abroad part icipation rate that is three times the average for two-year institutions.

Farrah Bernadino
Farrah Bernardino, senior director of the OII.
Photo courtesy of GSU.

“Georgia State has made a name for itself in terms of student success and access, particularly in terms of limiting the achievement gap for students who are typically under-represented in college. And we do that as well with global education,” Bernardino says. “We've developed all of our global education programs with access in mind. That includes international student enrollment and admissions, our plan for international partnerships, affordable education abroad, and having a diverse portfolio of global education programming so that students who cannot study abroad also have other ways to experience global education opportunities.”

One way that GSU has demonstrated its commitment to increasing this access is its mandatory international education fee charged to all students, which has helped fund $1 million annually in study abroad scholarships. Another example is a recent focus on virtual exchanges . Through annual funding competitions, the university incentivizes faculty who incorporate virtual exchanges in their coursework. A dedicated virtual exchange coordinator and two faculty fellows within the OII helped accelerate the adoption of virtual exchanges. As a result, the number of students participating in virtual exchanges increased from 105 in fall 2019 to more than 1,300 in fall 2022.

GSU has also extended its commitment to increasing access to its international student population by offering them the opportunity to apply for need-based out-of-state tuition waivers in their final semester. Since 2019, 134 international students have received these waivers, helping them to graduate. These students represent all degree levels and programs, including associate’s degree programs at Perimeter College. Additionally, many newly admitted undergraduate international students are offered need-based out-of-state tuition waivers to help eliminate cost-prohibitive hurdles to enrollment.

Perimeter College also hosts the Mentoring Initiative for New Americans at its campus in Clarkston, which is a major federal refugee resettlement site. The program provides mentoring support to refugee and immigrant young adults interested in pursuing a college education. It matches students with new Americans to provide them with academic and social support. The lower tuition at Perimeter College also provides a more affordable option for international students from traditionally underrepresented international student groups and countries.

A group of GSU students explore underwater caves in Mexico
GSU students learned about water, waste, and tourism in Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Photo courtesy of GSU.

Breaking Down Silos

Wolfgang Schlor speaking at a podium
Wolfgang Schlör retired in March 2023 after years of service as senior international officer and associate provost of international initiatives at GSU. Photo courtesy of GSU.

Achieving increased representation and access has been possible in part due to GSU’s senior international officer (SIO) reporting directly to the provost, which has helped break down the silos at a large, decentralized research university. “This spirit of collaboration and a common commitment to student success allowed us to collaborate across these silos,” says Wolfgang Schlör, the former SIO and associate provost of international initiatives who retired in March 2023.

The SIO oversees the International Council, a formal, university-wide committee that consults and collaborates on global initiatives. “Our International Council, made up of representatives appointed by the deans of all 13 colleges and schools, has been key for building effective communication and collaboration for global initiatives across the university,” Bernardino says.

Since it consolidated with the GSU system in 2016, Perimeter College has functioned as one of Georgia State’s 13 colleges and schools. The dean of Perimeter College created a new associate dean of international initiatives and dedicated two staff members to education abroad and virtual exchanges. Similar international leadership positions exist in other colleges around campus.

Lauri Goodling is the associate dean of international initiatives at Perimeter. She said her position has helped Perimeter boost its international engagement. “Because we consolidated with Georgia State, we also have a lot of advantages that other community colleges don't have,” she says . “We have the support system to help get our students abroad."

On the left, a student stands triumphantly in a mountainous landscape; on the right, a group of students pose at a planetarium.
(Left) GSU student abroad in Chile, hiking over rough terrain. (Right) GSU students visited an astronomical facility in Chile as part of the course Life in the Universe. Photos courtesy of GSU.

Assessing Global Competency

Georgia State’s focus on internationalization has grown over the last two decades. GSU’s 2010 strategic plan included “excellence in globalizing the university” as one of five strategic goals. Five years ago, the university built upon that goal to create a new strategic plan for the OII, which oversees education abroad, international partnerships, virtual exchange, and the Global Scholar Distinction initiative — a program that recognizes students who have taken five globally focused courses. The office also works closely with other units on campus, such as International Student and Scholar Services.

In 2019, the university adopted College to Career—a program focused on preparing students for the workforce—as its quality enhancement plan during the accreditation process. The plan included preparing students for the eight career-ready competencies identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. As a result, global programming content has been included in all freshman seminars at the university. “We were able to develop a module that was introduced in the freshman seminar that highlighted all of the different things students can do at Georgia State that strengthened their global and intercultural competency,” Schlör says.

The strategic focus on global competency has also informed the way in which Georgia State engages with partners abroad. Previously, the university had identified five countries to focus on for international outreach. That strategy provided mixed results, with political and economic developments in some countries making partnerships difficult to implement. Consequently, GSU switched to assessing existing partnerships based on criteria such as duration, multicollege engagement, and the types of activities involved. An international relations management system called PantherGLOBAL helps the university track all the different ways in which GSU faculty and programs are engaging in spe cific countries and regions of the world.

Kike Ehigiator, director of international partnerships and agreements, says that GSU uses the data it collects to assess whether particular programs and partnerships are successful. And success, she says, is often defined by how well those outcomes align with the university’s strategic goals.

In April 2023, Georgia State adopted a new strategic plan that will govern the next 10 years. Whereas internationalization was its own pillar in the previous strategic plan, it’s now integrated across the new plan’s four pillars: identity, placemaking, and belonging; innovating research, scholarship, and creative activity; student success 2.0; and beyond college to career. “We've evolved to a new stage where we see global as a key piece of the four strategic goals of our plan,” Bernardino says. “It's woven throughout.”

GSU Summer Institute
Students at the Summer Institute, a four-week initiative run by Special Programs for Global Engagement in the OII that allows participants to experience U.S. higher education and culture. Photo courtesy of GSU.
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2023 Comprehensive East Carolina University

ECU Chancellor Rogers
ECU Chancellor Philip Rogers. Photo courtesy of ECU. Watch Chancellor Rogers accept the Simon Award on behalf of ECU.

East Carolina University (ECU) is a public research university with more than 27,000 total students located in Greenville, North Carolina. Under the guidance of its Office of Global Affairs (OGA), the university creates international opportunities through virtual exchange, internationalized curricula, and a year-round study abroad program in Italy. In addition, ECU has focused on creating a welcoming environment for its international students.

When Professor Linda Darty first started taking undergraduates to Certaldo Alto, Italy, in 2008, it was for a three-week summer program for art students. Today, she runs East Carolina University’s only year-round study abroad program, ECU Tuscany. More than 1,500 students have participated in the 15 years the program has been running, and students can take courses in a variety of disciplines.

In May 2023, Darty organized an end-of-semester exhibition showcasing the work the ECU students did during the spring. Students in a photography class had been given an assignment to take portraits of people in Certa ldo whom they didn’t know. The exhibition is the classes’ final chance to say goodbye to the community. “The whole town came,” Darty says.

The program allows students to immerse themselves in the daily life of the town, a medieval village with a population of around 150. It was also the home of Giovanni Boccaccio, a 14th-century Italian poet and scholar who was Dante’s biographer. Darty said that every other semester ECU Tuscany offers a class in Italian literature focused on Boccaccio — one of the many general education classes that ECU students can take. “I wanted to create a program that all students can take no matter what their major,” Darty says.

She said that the creation of ECU’s Office of Global Affairs (OGA) in 2017 has bolstered support for the program. Instead of having to coordinate across multiple offices on campus, she can work directly with the international office. “When OGA came, it really brought a new awareness of global studies to the whole university,” Darty says.

Supporting Internationalization

The OGA is home to education abroad, international student and scholar services, virtual exchange and global partnerships, and intensive English. The office coordinates with the 25-member Global Affairs Committee, which has representatives of every college at ECU and many other administrative units across campus. The committee, which also serves as an advisory board for the OGA, allows the office to notify colleagues of changes and programming that it's working on and learn about what different departments are doing. The key to creating a campus culture of internationalization has been communicating why internationalization matters, says Jon Rezek, the assistant vice chancellor for global affairs and leader of the OGA.

Jamie Leibowitz
Jami Leibowitz received a Fulbright Global Scholar Award to grow ECU's capacity for virtual and cultural exchange with universities in Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Namibia. Photo courtesy of ECU. 

Jami Leibowitz, associate director for global affairs and director of global academic initiatives, says that Rezek’s leadership style is to engage everyone. “It’s not good enough to have your champions on campus — you need to spread your message mo re broadly... People know we’re here, what we’re doing, how we fit into what they’re doing, and why they should care about it. That’s something we’ve been working on a lot, so we can get more buy-in from our own ECU community.”

One way the OGA elevated the visibility of internationalization on campus was with the introduction of a university-wide international awards ceremony in 2017. This annual event, initiated and funded by the chancellor s and provost’s offices, recognizes staff who have contributed to a positive environment for international students or who have encouraged students to engage internationally. It also celebrates international students who have made positive contributions to the ECU or Greenville communities. This increased awareness and recognition helps to foster an inclusive celebration of campus internationalization.

Creating Opportunities for All

In addition to gaining exposure to global learning by participating in study abroad programs such as ECU Tuscany, students can do so on campus through virtual exchanges and curriculum internationalization facilitated by the Global Understanding International Virtual Exchange, for which ECU won the Simon Spotlight Award in 2016. All ECU students are also required to complete two 3-credit-hour diversity courses — one focused on global diversity and the other focused on domestic diversity.

Robin N. Coger, provost and senior vice chancellor for academic affairs, says, “At ECU we have put in a great deal of effort into ensuring that all of our students have access to international experiences through low-cost , cocurricular programs abroad, expanded study abroad scholarships, and international virtual exchange courses.”

Around 300 students participate in 12-15 Global Understanding courses each semester. The courses provide students with synchronous interaction with international partners, typic ally in three countries. The virtual exchange offerings help diversify the students who are participating in global learning activities and create opportunities for students who aren’t able to study abroad.

The virtual exchanges have also boosted student participation in other international education opportunities. ECU students who take a Global Understanding course are two times more likely to subsequently study abroad, Leibowitz said. And that number is even greater for students who are historically underrepresented in education abroad.

In 2022, ECU launched a new cohort-based program, called Global Fellows, for incoming first-year students who express an interest in global activities. The program includes guaranteed study abroad scholarships and targeted programming, such as specialized virtual exchange classes and first-year seminar classes, designed to build intercultural skills. Over the first two years, all of ECU's colleges that accept undergraduates have been represented in the program.

Bella Sardina completed her first year at ECU in spring 2023 and was a member of the inaugural Global Fellows cohort. “ECU is doing everything in their power to make sure that students are globally minded,” she says . “Even here in Greenville, you kind of get that feeling of what it'd be like to be abroad when just having a conversation with an international student.”

ECU Awards Gefryde Bikomba
ECU Provost Robin Coger (left) and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Global Affairs Jon Rezek (right) stand with ECU's International Student of the Year award recipient, Gefryde Bikomba (second from left), and Melanie Robbins, the OGA staff member who nominated Bikomba for the award. Photo courtesy of ECU.

Fostering a Welcoming Environment

According to Rezek, international student recruitment has been a major challenge for ECU as a regional campus without an internationally recognized brand. ECU currently has around 250 international students on a campus with a student body of 27,000. The university has faced the need to foster a more welcoming environment for international students and grow its visibility in international rankings.

“One of the reasons why we hadn't been as successful in recruiting is because we didn't have as much positive word of mouth,” Rezek says . “Recruitment occurs naturally if you support your students well.”

Students at UCE watching the World Cup on a big screen
International students, faculty, and staff join others to watch the World Cup on the big screen in a campus common area. Photo courtesy of ECU.

As a result, OGA staff articulated a different value proposition to attract international students. “We came up with ‘Academically supported. Professionally prepared. You belong at ECU,’” Rezek says .

As part of their efforts to grow recruitment and support international students, OGA staff created more student-centric programming, expanded international student orientation, paired international students with domestic students, hosted excursions to local and regional attractions, and initiated a weekly international coffee hour, among other activities. The campus writing center also offers specialized tutoring services and career preparation workshops for international students. In addition, there are professional development opportunities for faculty and staff to learn about how to better serve the international student population.

Faisal Abouelhassan is an international MBA student from Egypt and Qatar who also completed his undergraduate studies in finance and political science at ECU. “ECU really sheds light on diversity, whether it’s students from different backgrounds here in the United States, or also spotlighting international students,” he says . “They make sure that we're seen and heard, and whatever concerns we have are brought to the appropriate parties.”

Looking Ahead: New Focus on Intercultural Communication

ECU study abroad students visit Wimbledon
Stacy Warner, professor of kinesiology (front center), poses with a group of ECU students at Wimbledon during a study abroad trip to England. Photo courtesy of ECU.

For its next round of accreditation, ECU will be launching a five-year quality enhancement plan (QEP) focused on intercultural communication. The QEP will utilize the Intercultural Development Inventory to assess student development resulting from various interventions, including intercultural communication modules, student mobility, virtual exchange, and global diversity courses.

“We anticipate that the QEP will help support our faculty, staff, and students continue to strengthen our teaching and learning norms, research and creative activities, and community interactions in ways that help us to improve and transform ECU’s effectiveness in welcoming learners and colleagues from across the region, the state, the nation, and the world,” Coger says.

ECU Kenya Virtual Class
Cooper Rust of Dance Centre Kenya teaches dance students on ECU's campus as part of the Virtual Exchange to Study Abroad program, sponsored by a U.S. State Department IDEAS grant. ECU students later traveled to Kenya to study. Photo courtesy of ECU.
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