Jill Welch
The latest updates and developments from NAFSA staff.
Charlotte West
The founder and CEO of Diversity Abroad talks about opportunities for growth in the areas of diversity, inclusion, and equality.
Mark Toner
Call them satellite campuses, global campuses, or branch campuses—whatever the term, these international campuses continue to innovate to meet students’ needs and create additional revenue streams for their home campus.
Charlotte West
Community colleges, with their unique challenges and opportunities, stake their place in the international student recruitment landscape by building on existing strengths and finding ways to differentiate themselves.
Phil Manzano
Graduate school admissions in the United States have declined in recent years, but institutions are creating new programs, degrees, and partnerships to overcome admissions obstacles and keep international graduate students coming.
NAFSA members recommend what to read, listen to, follow, watch, and bookmark.
Roric McCorristin
How education abroad staff at predominately white institutions can learn from and work with their colleagues at historically black colleges and universities to move the needle on increasing minority student participation in study abroad.
Charlotte West
Senior international officers from three institutions share concrete examples of successful leadership in the face of uncertainty on their campuses and in their communities.
Ashish Fernando, Ben Waxman, MBA
With some context and recommendations for best practices, international educators can choose the right artificial intelligence tools for their needs.
Phil Manzano
In recent decades, the growing international student presence on U.S. campuses has transformed academic and student life for both international and domestic students, preparing them for life after graduation.