
Jolynn Shoemaker, Joanna Regulska
An excerpt from NAFSA’s recently released book outlines the critical role universities play in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Elizabeth Hendley
Eight international educators offer their insights into what diversity, equity, and inclusion looks like to them and on their campuses.
John Gallagher
Global education can be transformative. Here, eight women—former international students or U.S. students who studied abroad—share how their experience changed the way they view their world.
Mark Toner
As higher education faces an uncertain future, budgeting strategies for international education are evolving from a focus on accounting to centering accountability.
Mark Toner
ChatGPT is only the beginning. AI is poised to change higher education—and the world—for better or worse.
Mark Toner
Higher education institutions in the United States and around the world are defining their role in resolving conflict, maintaining international scholarship, and helping conflict-impacted regions rebuild after the cessation of hostilities.
Mark Toner
More strategic approaches to partnering are now the norm, but institutions must develop criteria and systems to do so with intention.
Mark Toner
As institutions revisit strategies following the pandemic, disruption is the watchword—and an avenue for opportunity.
Mark Toner
The COVID-19 pandemic shone a spotlight on mental health issues for college students—and provided new opportunities for support.
Mark Toner
Strategies for mid-career international education professionals—and the leaders who support them.