Karen Doss Bowman
Whether about a natural disaster, car accident, or global pandemic, effectively communicating with students’ parents during times of crisis requires thoughtful preparation.
Charlotte West
How to help international students who remain in the United States, from navigating housing logistics to providing social and emotional support.
Charlotte West
“We have an obligation—all of us—to appreciate that we’re all in this together, that disease does not know artificial country boundaries.”
Rachel Banks, Erica Stewart
What Congress needs to do to support and sustain the field—and why.
Meredith Bell, Rachel de Rosset
Over the last 2 decades, Russia has experienced an exodus of scientists, educators, and young graduates.
Mark Toner
Leveraging locale and playing to strengths can provide opportunities for research and engagement.
Charlotte West
A conversation with a senior international officer and an international travel and security manager offers insight into how institutions can approach crisis management.
Esther D. Brimmer, DPhil
Finding safety and resilience in our institutions, our association, and ourselves requires rethinking what ‘security’ means.
Mark Toner
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has rocked international education. Here’s a look at how some institutions are responding.
An update to the international education community about NAFSA’s recommendations to U.S. government agencies during the current pandemic.