Ravi Shankar: Looking Back to Reimagine the Future

Ravi Shankar, MA, MS, has served as the president and chair of NAFSA’s board of directors since January 2019, the culmination of decades of involvement as a NAFSA member and member-leader. Bringing his deep experience in international education, Shankar spoke with International Educator about his reflections on 2020 and what’s in store for the field for 2021 and beyond—including how NAFSA’s revised Strategic Plan frames the organization’s vision for the future.
Shankar says the updates, which center on three themes of educate, advocate, and innovate, were considered and made in real time as COVID-19 swept the globe, rendering profound effects on international education.
Currently the assistant vice provost and director of international services at the University of Rochester, Shankar will end his term as the president and chair of NAFSA’s board of directors this month.
Editor's note: The interview has been edited and condensed. Listen to an audio version of this interview on the International Educator podcast.
It's been an unprecedented year, to say the least. How are you feeling, and can you tell us what's been the hardest or most challenging part about this year for you?
It’s been undoubtedly one of the most tough 9 months, a challenging 9 months, but I think with the election, as well as the vaccine announcements, I’m feeling very optimistic. I’m an optimist by nature, so I’ll always see this as an opportunity for us think differently, be imaginative, and reimagine and question, what would the world look like post-pandemic? I’m feeling