Charlotte West
A conversation about what international educators should understand about budget allocation, program proposals, navigating dips in revenue, and more.
Karen Doss Bowman
Scenario planning helps international educators face an uncertain future.
Mark Toner
As more institutions explore incorporating agents into recruitment plans, several considerations and best practices can help ensure success.
Charlotte West
Learning and applying lean management principles can help international offices improve processes, save money, and create a better experience for students.
Elizabeth Hendley
A conversation with NAFSA’s director of public policy about what the international education community might expect from the Biden presidency—and where to look for signs of hope.
Mark Toner
A case study in managing risk at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, where existing structures helped the international office navigate the pandemic—and provide new flexibility going forward.
Hal Conick
Get personal and think creatively to attract international students and keep them engaged, say enrollment management professionals.
John Gallagher
“Take this opportunity to act”: Why creating a cross-campus team for risk management can help reframe an institution’s approach to risk postpandemic.
Karen Doss Bowman
What to do now to ensure coverage meets evolving needs.
Esther D. Brimmer, DPhil
The United States is a mix of many currents, and its history crashes ashore in waves.