Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

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Jana Jaffa

Dr. Jana Jaffa is the Assistant Director of Graduate Career Services at Penn State University. Her background spans ISSS, international research, and international student engagement. She has been working in the field since 2014. Dr. Jaffa has been active in the NAFSA community as a NAFSA Academy 18
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Sustaining Yourself and Your Team in Stressful Times

Sustaining Yourself and Your Team in Stressful Times is a 45-minute course that provides managers with tips and tools to keep their teams engaged, encourage flexible work policies, and create a supportive environment while working remotely. Participants will be able to enhance the level of support
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Managing Team Performance in a Virtual Setting

Managing Team Performance in a Virtual Setting is a 45-minute course that addresses performance management challenges associated with leadership in a virtual setting. Participants will be provided with tools to adapt their leadership styles to be effective in a remote environment. Participants will
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Managing Teams Through Times of Upheaval and Change

Managing Teams Through Times of Upheaval and Change is a 45-minute course that will provide participants with skills and knowledge to lead their teams through extreme change. Participants will recognize and document the core functions of their offices and evaluate how those functions must change to
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A Guide to Practitioner Research in International Education

September 28, 2020 A new resource has been developed for international education practitioners (and scholar-practitioners) interested in conducting research— A Guide to Practitioner Research in International Education. NAFSA has been pleased to collaborate with the International Education
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Post-COVID Higher Education Internationalization

Download the September 2020 Report By John K. Hudzik, PhD As the world struggles through global disruption—of lives, jobs, education, health, safety, economies—we witness again the powerful influence of globalization. Winston Churchill advised, “If you’re going through hell, keep going!” Considering
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Global Learning and Unconscious Bias

How can global and intercultural learning opportunities identify unconscious biases and address prejudices? This Collegial Conversation explored how developing global and intercultural competencies can help faculty, staff, administrators, and students discover their own unconscious biases, and how
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2020: Innovation as the New Global Education

Download the July 2020 Report Read the Spanish version By Nadia Mireles, EdD During the past 20 years, the world witnessed many important changes and transformations, from the globalization and information era, to the knowledge and digital era. By 2020, the world was in the midst of the fourth
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