Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

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Topic>Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

Global Learning for Career Education

This AGL session complements our previous session, Global Learning for 21st Century Workforce Development and explores examples of global learning integration into nontraditional career post-secondary and higher education environments.
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Global Learning Beyond the Classroom

AGL Series III has explored global learning in curriculum design, research programs, and multiple aspects of workforce development and now takes it to the co-curricular level. This AGL session looks at examples of how to stimulate global learning in higher education spaces outside of the classroom
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Assessment of Global Learning Toward Accreditation

This AGL session explores assessment of global learning for accreditation standards, even as those standards are still sometimes being defined. Institutional administrators and faculty of discipline specific programs are challenged to know where and how their campus or department's global learning
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Global Studies Literature Review—No. 11, March 2021

On behalf of NAFSA’s Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Knowledge Community (TLS KC), we are very pleased to introduce Issue No. 11 of the Global Studies Literature Review ( GSLR). The theme, "International Education in Times of Crisis: Connecting and Reimagining International Education," could not
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NAFSA Peer-to-Peer Perspectives

NAFSA Peer-to-Peer Perspectives events are virtual roundtable discussions that are offered year-round with colleagues on timely topics. Share best practices, offer suggestions, and engage in discussions with your peers. NAFSA Peer-to-Peer Perspectives are a NAFSA member benefit. Nonmembers may
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