Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

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Topic>Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

Management Development Program

Develop Exceptional Management Skills The NAFSA Management Development Program (MDP) is the most trusted and comprehensive management training program for international education professionals. Build managerial and leadership competencies by enrolling in this essential program for building
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Crafting International Education from the Middle

Download the March 2022 Issue By Jonathan L. Larson, PhD, and Kari B. Henquinet, PhD The COVID-19 pandemic has forced international educators to adapt to new conditions, structures, and modes of work. As has already been aptly noted, self-examination, open-mindedness, and innovation are general
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Katy Lane, PhD

Katy Lane, PhD is the director of the Center for International Business Studies, Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. She has worked in international education for nearly 15 years, creating new programs and initiatives, providing oversight for outreach and risk management, and leading
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NAFSA International Education Professional Competencies 2.0

Proficiency in all competencies requires strong familiarity with current trends and issues in international education and an organization’s missions, vision, and values. The NAFSA International Education Professional Competencies TM 2.0 are written to span and include each of the five NAFSA
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The Promise of Higher Education in the Contested Post-COVID Era

Download the January 2022 Issue By Ellen Hazelkorn, PhD The effect of the coronavirus pandemic was immediate, unprecedented, and dramatic, changing almost every aspect of our lives overnight. In fact, one of the most amazing aspects was the way in which people around the world responded so quickly
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Pursuing Internationalization in Times of Persistent Crisis

Download the September 2021 Issue By Hala Dimechkie, MA Crisis management is a key component of successful international higher education management. Yet, the resources on how to pursue internationalization in regions that experience persistent national, economic, and social crises are scant
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Designing Curriculum for Global Learning

Practically focused, this AGL session presents cases where global learning elements were successfully integrated into the curriculum design process. The presenters, who needed to upgrade their courses with challenging global learning elements, will discuss the processes and outcomes of designing
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Relating Research to Global Learning

Early career researchers contribute solutions to global challenges (i.e. – rising ocean levels, antibiotic resistance, famine, refugee crises, and more). It is critical for students who will become these researchers to hone their research and application skills with the context that global learning
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Global Learning for 21st Century Workforce Development

This AGL session provides examples of the new ways international educators and employers are identifying and developing students’ global competencies; those that 21 st century graduates are expected to have as they transition into career paths in an evolving, global marketplace. Presenters focus on
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