International Enrollment Management

Admission and Placement of International Students and Scholars

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Sub-topic>Admission and Placement of International Students and Scholars

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

English as a Second Language Program Administration

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Sub-topic>English as a Second Language Program Administration

Preparing International Student and Scholars for Study in the United States

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Sub-topic>Preparing International Student and Scholars for Study in the United States

Recruiting International Students and Scholars

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Sub-topic>Recruiting International Students and Scholars
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Topic>International Enrollment Management

Meet an IEM Professional: Yasushi Onodera

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 17, Summer Issue | Table of Contents Yasushi Onodera is the associate dean, international and multicultural student services at Arkansas Tech University. Where I live: Russellville, Arkansas. Proud to live in small-town USA! Where I was born: Kanagawa, Japan Family: My wife, who
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Celebrating IEM: Interview with Pamela Barrett

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 17, Summer Issue | Table of Contents Pamela Barrett is CEO of Barton Carlyle. Her company provides services to educational institutions worldwide to support how international strategy is imagined and delivered. Mitigating and managing risk and achieving growth are increasingly
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Gaokao: National College Entrance Examinations in China

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 17, Summer Issue | Table of Contents By: Katerina Roskina, China Credential Services Gaokao (高考) or National College Entrance Examinations (普通高等学校招生全国统一考试) is a nationwide university entrance examination administered in China. Gaokao tests the level of academic subject
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Going Paperless in an International Admissions Office

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 17, Summer Issue | Table of Contents By: Yujian Wang and Erin Boyd, Montana State University-Bozeman Montana State University-Bozeman (MSU-Bozeman) started implementing the process of going paperless and fully digital for both domestic and international admissions in summer 2017
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Blockchain: The Future of Academic Records

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 17, Summer Issue | Table of Contents By: Chris Jagers, Learning Machine According to UNESCO data on student flows, about 5 million people study at schools outside their country of origin. This trend is rapidly increasing with anticipated growth to 7 million students by 2030. The
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Innovation in Recruitment Technology

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 17, Summer Issue | Table of Contents By: Ben Waxman and Cathryn Andrews, Intead* Emerging trends in recruitment technology are rapidly changing the ways academic institutions interact with prospective students around the world. A great place to start examining this changing field
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IEM Spotlight: Summer 2019

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 17, Summer Issue | Table of Contents In the current era of international education, many institutions feel as if the cards are stacked against them. With volatile rhetoric about international relations, increased global competition, and budgets cuts, we are all trying to do more
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SEVP Prohibits Distribution of Form I-20 to Third Parties

SEVP Policy Guidance: Form I-20 Issuance and School Use of Recruiters (June 4, 2019) is directed to the practice of releasing I-20s to "recruiters," but its language reaches more broadly than that, stating that "DSOs are only authorized to release the Form I-20 directly to nonimmigrant students
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International Student Recruitment: Methods and Strategies

This self-paced e-Learning course provides an overview of the international enrollment management cycle and effective recruitment strategies at each phase. Participants are guided through the steps required to build a successful international student recruitment plan and are given the opportunity to
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