International Enrollment Management

Admission and Placement of International Students and Scholars

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Sub-topic>Admission and Placement of International Students and Scholars

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

English as a Second Language Program Administration

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Sub-topic>English as a Second Language Program Administration

Preparing International Student and Scholars for Study in the United States

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Sub-topic>Preparing International Student and Scholars for Study in the United States

Recruiting International Students and Scholars

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Sub-topic>Recruiting International Students and Scholars
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Topic>International Enrollment Management

Effective Student Training for Global Careers

Many offices rely on student staff or volunteers to provide advising, mentoring and programming to their student populations. While providing invaluable support, these students must also gain skills and training that will prepare them for future global careers. In this NAFSA e-Learning Seminar
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Volunteer Leadership

NAFSA accepts volunteers for national and regional roles in event support, sharing knowledge, teaching and mentoring, and leading discussions.
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