Education Abroad

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

Developing and Implementing Programs (from a U.S. Campus)

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Sub-topic>Developing and Implementing Programs (from a U.S. Campus)

Funding and Financing

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Sub-topic>Funding and Financing

Office Administration

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Sub-topic>Office Administration

Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

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Sub-topic>Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

Student Advising

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Sub-topic>Student Advising

Student Health and Safety

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Sub-topic>Student Health and Safety
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Topic>Education Abroad

Member Engagement Committee

The Member Engagement Committee represent NAFSA members and serves as a conduit between the leadership of the association and those served by it. Per the NAFSA Standing Rules, Member Engagement Committee (MEC) members: Welcome and engage new members with quarterly outreach and at engagement events
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Mental Health and Education Abroad

The EA KC Health and Safety Subcommittee provides the following recommendations in order to assist education abroad professionals in responding to student mental health needs.
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Study Abroad Career Plan: A Guide for Advising Students

This inventory and guide, developed by Vera V. Chapman (Colgate University), Curtiss Oneil Stevens (University of Texas at Austin), and Martin Tillman (Global Career Compass) to support the webinar “ Helping Students Translate ‘study abroad’ for the Job Search.” provides a structure for advising
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Global Learning Rubric

Developed from the 2013 NAFSA Annual Conference session, Defining Global Learning and Aligning Curricular Pathways presented by Kevin Hovland, AACU, the Global Learning Rubric offers a common vocabulary for defining global learning and for identifying the kinds of skills and knowledge associated
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Financial Aid Subcommittee Chair and Member-at-large

The Financial Aid Subcommittee Chair is a member-at-large on the Education Abroad Regulatory Practice Committee and leads the Federal Financial Aid Subcommittee. The EA RP Financial Aid Subcommittee is charged with identifying government-related practices and procedures for financial aid that affect
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