International Student and Scholar Services

Stuart Anderson
Over the years, some have expressed concern that openness toward educated foreign nationals results in a “brain drain” from developing countries.
Three community colleges partnered with Brazil’s largest technical and vocational school network to provide English language instruction for Brazilian students and expanded cultural understanding and leadership skills for the U.S. students.
Dana Wilkie
The new U.S. law on health insurance not only affects all citizens, but international students as well.
News and updates from the world of international education.
Securing a productive academic and social experience in the United States is no sure thing for thousands of bachelor’s degree seekers from China.
David Tobenkin
Mexican and U.S. scholars are working collaboratively to solve problems on both sides of the border.
An interview with Chris R. Glass, recipient of the 2016 Innovative Research in International Education Award from NAFSA’s Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship Knowledge Community.
Dana Wilkie
Assessment can help institutions determine if their efforts to help integrate international students into the campus community are proving successful.
News and updates from the world of international education.
Stuart Anderson
A review of legislative activity on immigration from 2006 through 2012 illustrates why, despite the challenges, a larger, comprehensive reform bill, such as the Gang of Eight (S. 744) bill, remains the best approach to reforming U.S. immigration law.