International Student and Scholar Services

David Tobenkin
Nigeria is home to a growing youth population and expanding middle class—putting higher education, both at home and abroad, within reach for more Nigerians than ever before.
Meredith Bell
News and updates from the world of international education.
News and updates from the world of international education.
Charlotte West
Japanese students have been studying abroad less in recent years. The government aims to change that.
After the March 2011 disaster, Japan and its universities are reevaluating and increasing their pursuit of international students.
Ellen H. Badger
U.S. immigration law seems to be in contradiction to this country’s best interests much of the time. NAFSA and others (such as the National Immigration Forum, to give just one other example) have argued vigorously for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform.
Well-developed higher education systems in Asia are learning from each other in building world-class research universities, and following each other in attracting talent from outside their borders.
Susan Ladika
In the more than 20 years since the fall of Europe’s communist regimes, much has changed in higher education in Eastern and Central Europe.
Dana Wilkie
Colleges and universities are using myriad means to help students truly understand the impact of genocides across the globe.
News and updates from the world of international education.