International Enrollment Management

Charlotte West
Community colleges, with their unique challenges and opportunities, stake their place in the international student recruitment landscape by building on existing strengths and finding ways to differentiate themselves.
Phil Manzano
Graduate school admissions in the United States have declined in recent years, but institutions are creating new programs, degrees, and partnerships to overcome admissions obstacles and keep international graduate students coming.
Ashish Fernando, Ben Waxman, MBA
With some context and recommendations for best practices, international educators can choose the right artificial intelligence tools for their needs.
Karen Doss Bowman
Postgraduate employability tops most international students’ list of criteria when choosing a country or institution for their studies. In the United States, how are institutions meeting students’ expectations around career prospects?
News and updates from the world of international education.
Julie Sinclair, PhD
Creating an international recruitment plan is both science and art: It needs to be grounded in good data, both external and institutional, and it requires creativity to incorporate that data into institutional priorities and goals.
Meredith Bell
News and updates from the world of international education.
John T. Crist
Among the many thousands of types of cross-border educational collaborations, the international branch campus is the most substantial and elaborate.
Millennials and the young professionals of Generation Z wondering how to develop a career in international education are encountering a field that has changed considerably and that continues to evolve.
Mark Toner
Amid a newly challenging recruiting environment, U.S. institutions will need to leverage all of their competitive advantages to meet their enrollment goals and sustain their global preeminence.