John Gallagher
Senior international officers can build bridges with their campus chief advancement officer to strengthen fundraising efforts.
Charlotte West
A criminal defense attorney-turned-chocolate maker in Missouri creates intercultural exchange opportunities for local high school students through his Chocolate University.
Mark Toner
As concerns about climate change intensify, international collaboration on research is providing new insights—and hope for solutions. From researching cloud formation in the Arctic to studying earthworm ecosystems, teams of international researchers work together on the most pressing global issues.
Menachem Wecker
Historically, expansion in the number of middle-class families has meant more students going abroad for college, but there are many factors to consider.
Mark Toner
How two entrepreneurial alumni are successfully encouraging their global peers to study in the United States.
Vicki Valosik
U.S. institutions are exploring new opportunities among international high school students.
Charlotte West
Institutions are not only assessing the language proficiency of international students, but also helping students in their adjustment to an unfamiliar educational system and culture.
Charlotte West
Best practices for international educators to help international graduates get a successful start to their professional futures and navigate new regulatory hurdles.
Mark Toner
The current state of online-based international education and ramifications of this type of learning.
Jenny Rogers
Best practices for integrating texts, social media, and other tech-based communication tools that help ensure that colleges and universities achieve their enrollment, internationalization, and other goals.