NAFSA Senior Fellow Jenny Lee explores the change in U.S. perceptions of China and the impacts on internationalization.
Patricia C. Martin
Increasing numbers of undergraduates are interested in pursuing research opportunities abroad, and international educators are at the nexus of campus collaboration to ensure student success.
Meredith Bell, Rachel de Rosset
While Spain is a top destination for students from around the world, the country has struggled to maintain quality and retain students in its higher education system.
Esther D. Brimmer, DPhil
How international educators can stay up to date on the latest information.
The cross-cultural skills that third culture kids often develop are no longer “a bonus benefit,” but a requirement to be successful in an interconnected world.
Charlotte West
With the right support, this population’s intercultural skills and global competencies can be a boon to internationalization efforts on campus.
A roundup of NAFSA member recommendations for what to read, watch, and listen to this month.
Nora Cavazos
NAFSA’s Advocate of the Year reflects on her journey of advocacy as ‘both a blessing and a never-ending goal.’
Eylem Atakav, PhD
Teaching, learning, and scholarship underpin work in all areas of international education to affect change on a global scale.
Charlotte West
The benefits of working with advancement and alumni departments to fund international initiatives.