Meenakshi Kachroo Chatta
“Changing the invitation” in order to create opportunities for more students.
Janelle Rasmussen
What we once thought of as “normal” may forever be altered.
David Lind, EdD
Interestingly, it is often our lack of knowledge that allows us to connect with others.
Bolu Oluwadiya, MA
Adopting a culture of care among ourselves and at our institutions is one way to intentionally pursue community as international higher educators.
Bo White, EdD
The importance of preparing for the unknown—and the power of showing up anyway.
Charlotte West
There is growing interest in developing global learning opportunities for Indigenous students, as well as programs that focus on the histories and experiences of Indigenous populations in specific locations.
John Gallagher
How the education abroad and international student and scholar services offices can support international students who choose to study abroad.
Karen Doss Bowman
Three Global North-Global South partnerships demonstrate mutual benefits through shared research and learning goals.
Mark Toner
IEM and ISSS offices must work closely together to keep international students at the center. Here’s how.
Elizabeth Hendley
To mark Hispanic Heritage Month, this episode of the International Educator Podcast is a conversation with Lysette Davi at University of Arizona and Frances Santiago of University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez. They share their career journeys in international education, perspectives on diversifying the