John K. Hudzik, PhD
Post-COVID reform of higher education internationalization is not for the meek.
Jane Knight, PhD
What is the difference between these two terms—and why does it matter for international higher education?
John Gallagher
From internationalizing the curriculum to study abroad programs, campuses are focusing on how to teach students about the interconnectedness of cultures and the world.
Jessica Sandberg, MA
Following the test optional movement, will holistic admissions be the next domino to fall in the world of enrollment and admissions? If so, what comes next?
Charlotte West
International student enrollment is poised for a postpandemic rebound. Here’s what students—and the data—have to say.
John Gallagher
During a period of hiring uncertainty, it’s critical to find the right people—and keep them for the long term.
Mark Toner
Despite encouraging steps forward, the United States remains the only major English-speaking country without a national strategy for internationalization. Leaders at U.S. institutions can learn from what other countries are doing to boost their own recruitment efforts—and advocate for a U.S. policy.
David Tobenkin
Changes in student preferences, office resources, and pandemic-era modifications have transformed the study abroad recruiting game.
John K. Hudzik, PhD
Several factors in the higher education reform landscape will shape international education in the years to come.
Mark Toner
Academic freedom and internationalization are at the heart of higher ed. But in the face of growing global threats, the relationship between the two is becoming more complex.