
Elizabeth Hendley
Based on reader feedback, the new IE features better functionality, easier social sharing, and an improved experience.
Charlotte West
Despite shifting enrollment patterns, the United States remains the top destination for international students. What are the factors that contribute to students choosing to study on U.S. campuses?
Mark Toner
Students—and the employers who hire them after graduation—are increasingly seeking education abroad programs that develop personal and professional goals for the twenty-first century marketplace.
Andreas Schleicher
The returns on higher education degrees are significant. But who should pay for higher education, and why? OECD's Andreas Schleicher explores the financial indicators that affect international student flows.
Shanna Saubert, PhD
With technology an ever-increasing presence in life, international educators can harness tech solutions and tools to facilitate internationalization, improve education experiences, enable better communication, and advance teaching and learning.
Stephen Pelletier
New partnerships—among departments on the same campus or between institutions an ocean apart—bring fresh thinking and creative ideas to enhance students’ experiences, especially when leadership fosters and rewards innovation.
Phil Manzano
Nearly half of all international students in the United States study in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, and their significant contributions to the country’s tech and science industries keep the United States on the leading edge of both.
David Tobenkin
Across the globe, a range of government-sponsored internationalization strategies, policies, and funding helps countries attract international students and boost their own student mobility. Does the United States measure up?
David Tobenkin
Across the globe, government-sponsored internationalization strategies, policies, and funding helps countries attract international students and boost their own student mobility.
Rahul Choudaha
International education veterans from around the world anticipate the trends facing—and shaping—the field in 2020 and identify related challenges and opportunities.