Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

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Global Studies Literature Review - No. 9, January 2019

The Global Studies Literature Review editorial team welcomes you to explore the many thoughtful contributions to Issue No. 9, "New Models and Emerging Perspectives in Global Education," including a special introduction celebrating the 15 year anniversary of the Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship
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Learning and Training

Offered in-person, online, and at NAFSA events, NAFSA professional learning products and services are essential for international educators at all levels.
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Volunteer Leadership

NAFSA accepts volunteers for national and regional roles in event support, sharing knowledge, teaching and mentoring, and leading discussions.
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Why Global Learning Is Foundational to Higher Education

Just a couple of years ago, terms like diversity, interconnectedness, and globalism were used freely in the public realm to describe our world. In higher education, these words described some of the factors that compelled educators to increase the relevance of our research, teaching, and service
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Connect with Global Learners

These two TLS KC online networks provide resources and foster conversations for those interested in (1) intercultural learning/training and internationalizing (co)curriculum and (2) exploring research trends and continuing scholarly discussions about various facets of international education.
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