Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

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Topic>Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

Tripping Over or Reconciling the Words of Internationalization

Has the discussion of internationalization become a scattershot of terms without an underlying coherency? Some conversations suggest that the terms are set in opposition, ("internationalization versus globalization"), or that one term is dying while another is rising ("globalization replacing
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Become an Academy Chair

The Chair takes the lead role in ensuring that the Academy for International Education continues to meet the training needs of newcomers, those in transition, and those who have taken on new or expanded responsibilities.
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Does Study Abroad Accelerate Personal Growth?

International educators have long sought research studies to support their direct observations: Students, when they return from study abroad, appear more mature than when they left. Is this due to the fact that the students are older, or is there something about the experience abroad that has
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Is a Bologna Process Right for Latin America?

One of the most influential educational trends of the two last decades involves initiatives to con­struct common spaces of tertiary education. These projects—such as the Bologna Process and its core objective, the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)—focus mainly on tertiary education, the
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