Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship

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Welcome to the Era of "Global Competition 2.0"

The AAUP's Role in a Globalized, Competitive Higher Education Landscape By Laura M. Portnoi and Sylvia S. Bagley Note: A slightly different version of this article first appeared in Academe, November-December 2015, Volume 101, Number 6. NAFSA thanks the
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On Global Campuses, Academic Freedom Has Its Limits

This article was originally published on The Conversation . This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License . Kevin Kinser is a NAFSA senior fellow for internationalization. BY KEVIN KINSER Last spring, a New York University professor
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In Service to the Globe? Universities' Changing Sense of Community

Universities’ and scholars’ increasing engagements with the “global”—through increasing study abroad and mobility, overseas partnerships, and more—have been carefully detailed by a variety of scholars (for a recent discussion, see Streitwieser 2014), and have also been thoughtfully and articulately
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