Regulatory Information

Exchange Visitors and Exchange Visitor Programs

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Sub-topic>Exchange Visitors and Exchange Visitor Programs

Fees, Forms, Filing Procedures

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Sub-topic>Fees, Forms, Filing Procedures

Institutional Obligations and Compliance

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Sub-topic>Institutional Obligations and Compliance

International Faculty, Staff, Researchers

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Sub-topic>International Faculty, Staff, Researchers

International Students and Schools

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Sub-topic>International Students and Schools

U.S. Immigration Systems, Data, Status, and Concepts

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Sub-topic>U.S. Immigration Systems, Data, Status, and Concepts

Visas, Travel, Entry

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Sub-topic>Visas, Travel, Entry
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Topic>Regulatory Information

COVID-19 Flexibilities Regarding Form I-9

On October 11, 2022, DHS extended its COVID-19 Form I-9 flexibilities until July 31, 2023, due to "continued safety precautions related to COVID-19." The message FINAL REMINDER: DHS Ended COVID-19 Temporary Policy for Expired List B Identity Documents - 07/22/2022 on I-9 Central's Temporary Policies
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List of Visa Waiver Program Countries

The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) enables citizens of participating countries to travel to the United States for business or tourism for 90 days or less without obtaining a U.S. B-1 or B-2 visa. Those entering for business purposes as defined in INA 101(a)(15)(B) are admitted in WB status. Those
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Information Resources for Assisting Afghan Students and Scholars

As the situation in Afghanistan develops, this page will list immigration information resources relevant to Afghan students and scholars in and outside the United States. NAFSA Advocacy NAFSA Letter Urges DOS to Allow Afghan Women More Opportunity for U.S. Study. In a December 22, 2022 letter to
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IssueNet Quarterly Summary - Summer 2021

June to July 2021 Highlighting the top issues reported through NAFSA IssueNet. Prepared by Taya Carothers & Adam Cohen, Members of the International Student and Scholar Regulatory Practice (ISS RP) Committee. Top Issues NIE questions We received several reports related to the National Interest
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8 CFR 214.2(m) Students in established vocational or other recognized nonacademic institutions, other than in language training programs. This resource is a reference aid for authorized users of the NAFSA Adviser's Manual. This is not an official edition of the Code of Federal Regulations. Last
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NAFSA Request for Special Student Relief for Haitian F-1 Students

Update: On August 3, 2021, DHS will publish an SSR notice for Haitian students, in the Federal Register. An advance public inspection version of the notice is now available. The notice will be effective from August 3, 2021 through February 3, 2023. On July 22, 2021, NAFSA Executive Director and CEO
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