Regulatory Information

Exchange Visitors and Exchange Visitor Programs

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Sub-topic>Exchange Visitors and Exchange Visitor Programs

Fees, Forms, Filing Procedures

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Sub-topic>Fees, Forms, Filing Procedures

Institutional Obligations and Compliance

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Sub-topic>Institutional Obligations and Compliance

International Faculty, Staff, Researchers

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Sub-topic>International Faculty, Staff, Researchers

International Students and Schools

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Sub-topic>International Students and Schools

U.S. Immigration Systems, Data, Status, and Concepts

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Sub-topic>U.S. Immigration Systems, Data, Status, and Concepts

Visas, Travel, Entry

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Sub-topic>Visas, Travel, Entry
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Topic>Regulatory Information

SEVP Employment FAQs

Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Employment FAQs (Updated 02/28/2023), downloaded and formatted by NAFSA on 03/02/2023 from This version is posted on the NAFSA website for convenient reference. Please visit for the
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International Entrepreneur Parole Program

Under the 2017 international entrepreneur rule (IER), "DHS may use its parole authority to grant a period of authorized stay, on a case-by-case basis, to foreign entrepreneurs who demonstrate that their stay in the United States would provide a significant public benefit through their business
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IssueNet Quarterly Summary - Spring 2021

IssueNet Quarterly Summary - Spring 2021 January to May 2021 Highlighting the top issues reported through NAFSA IssueNet. Prepared by Rajan Eapen & Mike Hollabaugh, Members of the International Student and Scholar Regulatory Practice (ISS RP) Committee. Top Issues January-February 2021 Issues: We
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DHS STEM Designated Degree Program List

Updates: DHS published a revised STEM Designated Degree Program List on its website at In a Federal Register notice published at 88 FR 44381 (July 12, 2023), the agency stated that, "DHS adopts the list announced in this notice as of July 12
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NAFSA Letter to SEVP on 2021-2022 Academic Year COVID-19 Guidance

On May 6, 2021, NAFSA Executive Director and CEO Dr. Esther Brimmer sent a letter to SEVP Director Rachel Canty, to thank SEVP for its April 26, 2021 COVID-19 guidance for the 2021-2022 academic year, and suggesting "additional clarifications to further help schools and students operate responsibly
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Daily Source Check

Check these government sources on a daily basis to keep track of new immigration policy and regulatory initiatives.
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