International Student and Scholar Services

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

Crisis Management

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Sub-topic>Crisis Management

Office Administration

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Sub-topic>Office Administration

Orientation, Retention, and Student Services Programming

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Sub-topic>Orientation, Retention, and Student Services Programming

Student and Scholar Advising

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Sub-topic>Student and Scholar Advising
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Topic>International Student and Scholar Services

Interpreting Immigration Regulations and Sources of Authority

The COVID-19 Pandemic has resulted in a flood of information and guidance from all of our partner agencies as we navigate this crisis together. Even in non-crisis times, it can be difficult to understand the seemingly competing sources of authority and regulations that govern regulatory practice
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Continuity of Operations for the International Office

Adapted from a March 10, 2020 post on the NAFSA International Scholar Advising Network by Tina Rousselot de Saint Céran (Georgia Tech), chair of the NAFSA Knowledge Community for International Student and Scholar Services (KCISSS). There are multiple considerations for the transition from in-person
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Tips for Achieving Success as a Scholar-Practitioner

For many international educators working full time as practitioners, the process of getting started in publishing can be overwhelming. International education has many opportunities for professional development – attending or presenting at conferences, serving in volunteer leadership roles, as well
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Practical Operations in Crisis Management

What did you learn about your crisis management plan during this most recent pandemic response? Although most offices have a protocol for crisis management, it is often found lacking when put to the test. During this text-based chat, three panelists answered questions from members about model
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The USCIS Special Situations Page

USCIS's Special Situations page describes long-standing, pre-existing options that might be of use in an emergency situation. The page states: "USCIS has discretion to take the following measures on a case-by-case basis upon request, if you have been affected by a natural catastrophe or other
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Responding to a Worldwide Health Crisis and Travel Restrictions

Recent concerns regarding the spread of the coronavirus has myriad implications for the international education community in the United States and abroad. This Town Hall for NAFSA members provided context for the current challenges for international educators and shared updates on the travel
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F-1 Student Advising for Beginners

A must-have training for the new Designated School Official (DSO) to jump-start their career. The workshop offers new advisers a key foundation for understanding the compliance role of the DSO. Participants will benefit from a solid combination of specific knowledge that can be applied to common
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