International Enrollment Management

Admission and Placement of International Students and Scholars

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Sub-topic>Admission and Placement of International Students and Scholars

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

English as a Second Language Program Administration

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Sub-topic>English as a Second Language Program Administration

Preparing International Student and Scholars for Study in the United States

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Sub-topic>Preparing International Student and Scholars for Study in the United States

Recruiting International Students and Scholars

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Sub-topic>Recruiting International Students and Scholars
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Topic>International Enrollment Management

Understanding IEM in a Climate of Change

Given the current changing perceptions of the United States as a welcoming country to international students, many in the international enrollment management community may be facing challenging times as they travel abroad to recruit new international students and speak to
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Coming Together, Moving Forward

As campuses across the United States prepare for a new administration, many in the international education community are facing difficult questions from international students and scholars seeking answers and assurances.
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NAFSA International Education Town Hall

NAFSA International Education Town Hall events are our opportunity to share, listen, and learn together. This dialogue will extend beyond each event with an opportunity to ask questions, share insights, and provide support to those within the international education community seeking answers. These
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Best Practices for Projecting International Enrollment

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 3 - November 2016 Best Practices for Projecting International Enrollment By: Mandy Hansen, PhD, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs Projecting an institution’s international enrollment requires the use of data and benchmarking tools. Initial steps
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South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 3 - November 2016 By: Coleen Jaftha, South African Qualifications Authority The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is a statutory body established through the South African Qualifications Authority Act of 1995. The SAQA Act
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Survey Results for South Africa’s Education System

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 3 - November 2016 By: Ujjaini Sahasrabudhe, University of Southern California Beginning with this issue, we are introducing a new feature where we survey colleagues at U.S. institutions to ask them about their
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Credential Survey of South Africa

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 3 - November 2016 To give readers a range of perspectives regarding the foreign academic credentials found in the country or region covered in IEM Spotlight, the editorial team surveys a number of colleges
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The Educational System of South Africa: An Overview

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 3 - November 2016 By: Marshall Houserman, Educational Perspectives In the early 1990s, South Africa initiated the process of dismantling its social and legal system of racial separation and discrimination, known as apartheid. Apartheid
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IEM Spotlight - November 2016

Welcome to our final issue of IEM Spotlight for 2016, where we journey to South Africa. Given South Africa’s turbulent history, its education system has long been shaped by racial, political, cultural, and linguistic divides.
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