International Enrollment Management

Admission and Placement of International Students and Scholars

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Sub-topic>Admission and Placement of International Students and Scholars

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

English as a Second Language Program Administration

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Sub-topic>English as a Second Language Program Administration

Preparing International Student and Scholars for Study in the United States

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Sub-topic>Preparing International Student and Scholars for Study in the United States

Recruiting International Students and Scholars

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Sub-topic>Recruiting International Students and Scholars
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Topic>International Enrollment Management

Joint Programs in the European Higher Education Area

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 4 - April 2017 By: Mark Frederiks, PhD, Accreditation Organisation of The Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) and the European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education (ECA) In Europe, joint programs play an important role
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U.S. Universities and International Branch Campuses

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 4 - April 2017 By: John T. Crist, PhD, George Mason University Korea Among the many thousands of cross-border educational collaborations that exist around the world, the international branch campus (IBC) is the most
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Dual Degrees: A Comprehensive Set of Guidelines

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 4 - April 2017 By: Thy Yang, Norwich University The development of sister school relationships between institutions from two or more countries is an established practice within higher education. Traditionally, formal agreements have been
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Meet an IEM Professional: Anna Harrison

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 4 - April 2017 Anna Harrison Assistant Director of International Admissions, Duquesne University Where I live: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Where I was born: Cadiz, Spain Family: I have three sisters, one of whom is my
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Meet an IEM Newcomer: Megan Lindle

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 14, Issue 4 - April 2017 Megan Lindle Admissions Officer, Undergraduate Admissions, University of Cincinnati Where I live: Cincinnati, Ohio Where I was born: Cincinnati, Ohio Family: I live with my husband and our two girls,
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IEM Spotlight - April 2017

This year, we are taking a detour from our country-based approach and instead focusing on key areas of interest within IEM. We begin the year with a focus on transnational education (TNE), which has become an increasingly critical aspect of the internationalization of higher education.
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