International Enrollment Management

Admission and Placement of International Students and Scholars

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Sub-topic>Admission and Placement of International Students and Scholars

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

English as a Second Language Program Administration

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Sub-topic>English as a Second Language Program Administration

Preparing International Student and Scholars for Study in the United States

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Sub-topic>Preparing International Student and Scholars for Study in the United States

Recruiting International Students and Scholars

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Sub-topic>Recruiting International Students and Scholars
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Topic>International Enrollment Management

Credential Survey of Francophone Countries

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents To give readers a range of perspectives regarding the foreign academic credentials found in the country or region covered in IEM Spotlight, the editorial team surveys a number of colleges and universities, in addition to professional
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Highlights of the Shape of Global Higher Education

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents By: Shanna Saubert, NAFSA Earlier this year, NAFSA collaborated with the British Council to present the latest two publications in the Council’s Shape of Global Higher Education series, one focused on Europe and the other on the Americas. The
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Celebrating IEM: Interview with Emily Tse

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents Emily Tse is the director of evaluations at International Education Research Foundation (IERF). Prior to joining IERF, she received a bachelor’s of arts in classics from the University of Pennsylvania and a master’s of philosophy in classics
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Meet an IEM Professional: Justin T. Hume

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents Justin T. Hume is associate director of international admissions at the University of Bridgeport. Where I was born: I was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, and brought up and traveled across the United States, Europe, Africa, and back to the
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Meet an IEM Newcomer: Rex Cone

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents Rex Cone is admissions international recruiter at Columbia College. Where I live: Columbia, Missouri Where I was born: Orange County, California Family: Wife Jennifer, daughter Gretchen (a sophomore at the University of North Dakota), and son
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The French Grading System

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents By: Quentin Law Phu, Ithaca College The Transatlantic Friendship and Mobility Initiative (TFMI), a joint declaration made in 2014 by the U.S. Department of State and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development
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Le Système Scolaire du Québec

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents Jenika Heim, EducationUSA 1 Bonjour et bienvenue au Québec! Québec is the only society in North America where French is the sole official language, making it a province with the fighting spirit to maintain language rights and a culture distinct
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Recruiting in Morocco

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents By: Salma Benhaida, Kent State University Morocco is a North African middle-income country with a population of 35 million. The country is slightly larger in area than California. In terms of outbound student mobility, the nation is the top
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