Education Abroad

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

Developing and Implementing Programs (from a U.S. Campus)

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Sub-topic>Developing and Implementing Programs (from a U.S. Campus)

Funding and Financing

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Sub-topic>Funding and Financing

Office Administration

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Sub-topic>Office Administration

Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

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Sub-topic>Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

Student Advising

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Sub-topic>Student Advising

Student Health and Safety

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Sub-topic>Student Health and Safety
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Topic>Education Abroad

Sample Emergency Response Plans

This Study Abroad Crisis Response Plan is designed to ensure the safety and well being of all faculty, staff, and students participating in Sample University sponsored study abroad programs. Should an emergency situation abroad develop, every effort will be made on the part of Sample University to
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Making Meaning of Education Abroad

Making Meaning of Education Abroad is an interactive workbook designed to engage returned education abroad participants in critical reflection and vocabulary-building exercises in order to successfully articulate their international experiences in academic, community, professional, and advocacy
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Italian Barile Law

The law known as “Barile Law” has been the subject of discussion for many education abroad professionals. What is the Barile Law? What are the standards for compliance for U.S. institutions? Working with a translation firm, NAFSA provides below a translation of the law which professionals may use or
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Improved Consular Safety and Security Messaging

In late November 2017, the U.S. Department of State announced changes to consular safety and security messaging, most notably, the elimination of Travel Warning and Travel Alert terminology. The new safety and security messaging is intended to be clear, timely, and reliable without consular “jargon”
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Content Coordinator for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The EA KC Content Coordinator for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion focuses on model resources to support EA professionals in leadership cultivation, resource development, and diversity and inclusion initiatives to continue their endeavors on behalf of EA students and in accordance with NAFSA
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Leadership Development Committee

The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) champions volunteer leadership in NAFSA and supports initiatives that cultivate, recruit, and orient volunteer member-leaders for the association. Its work supports NAFSA's strategic objectives by working to ensure effective governance, leadership
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