Education Abroad

Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

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Sub-topic>Contributing to Comprehensive Internationalization

Developing and Implementing Programs (from a U.S. Campus)

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Sub-topic>Developing and Implementing Programs (from a U.S. Campus)

Funding and Financing

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Sub-topic>Funding and Financing

Office Administration

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Sub-topic>Office Administration

Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

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Sub-topic>Risk Assessment and Crisis Management

Student Advising

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Sub-topic>Student Advising

Student Health and Safety

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Sub-topic>Student Health and Safety
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Topic>Education Abroad

Education Abroad: Critical Skills for the Adviser

As the field of education abroad continues to advance, the demands placed on advisers grow. Learn the skills you need to be effective in today’s dynamic education abroad setting. Explore the different roles required of an adviser to be successful. Discuss the advising profession with others in the
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NAFSA Resources for Operational Resilience

NASFA offers these resources and guidance on crisis management for COVID-19 and other crises for the international education community. NAFSA hopes this information helps you, your programs, and your students during this challenging time.
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COVID-19 and Federal Financial Aid for Education Abroad FAQ’s

Your peers on NAFSA’s Education Abroad Regulatory Practice Subcommittee on Financial Aid provide the following information to help education abroad professionals stay informed of federal financial aid guidance during the disruption of the COVID-19 crisis. Common questions related to Cost of
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Resources for Online Telework and Learning

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States, many institutions have closed or transitioned to working remotely and online teaching with little advanced notice. Entire offices have instructed employees to telework and stay home for an indefinite period of time while faculty pivot to
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Department of State COVID-19 Global Health Advisory

UPDATE. On August 5, 2020, the U.S. Department of State removed the Level 4 (do not travel) global health advisory that had been in place since March 19, 2020, and returned to country-specific advisories. Read more on the DOS travel advisories web page. Also see the DOS COVID-19 Traveler Information
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CDC Responds to NAFSA’s Coronavirus Questions

NAFSA has been in dialogue with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to ask for clarity on guidance issued by the CDC regarding international travel and study abroad programs. NAFSA provided context and background on existing risk management practices in international education with the CDC
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Questions for Guiding a Holistic Response

In responding to broadening concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19), institutions must be cognizant of holistic issues affecting international education, considering not only programmatic and immigration questions, but accreditation, contractual obligations, technical and human resources, and
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