Recruitment, Enrollment, and Advising

Credential Survey of South Africa

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 3 - November 2016 To give readers a range of perspectives regarding the foreign academic credentials found in the country or region covered in IEM Spotlight, the editorial team surveys a number of colleges
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The Educational System of South Africa: An Overview

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 3 - November 2016 By: Marshall Houserman, Educational Perspectives In the early 1990s, South Africa initiated the process of dismantling its social and legal system of racial separation and discrimination, known as apartheid. Apartheid
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International Student & Scholar Services On-Demand Seminars

International Student and Scholar Services Cross-Cultural Dynamics in Crisis Management Curricular Practical Training: Creating Best Practices and Policies Curricular Practical Training: Policies and Practices for Elective Training Developing the Cultural Component of Your Exchange Visitor (EV)
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Credential Survey of Syria and Iraq

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 2 - August 2016 To give readers a range of perspectives regarding the foreign academic credentials found in the country or region covered in IEM Spotlight, the editorial team surveys a number of colleges
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EducationUSA Syria: An Update

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 2 - August 2016 As the Syrian crisis continues into its fifth year, hundreds of thousands of students have had their studies interrupted, leading to an academic crisis and the risk of a lost
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Supporting a Generation of Syrian Students

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 2 - August 2016 The ongoing conflict in Syria, and its dramatic consequences on university-age students inside and outside of Syria, has led to a broader conversation on the role that higher education institutions
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The Education System in Iraq: An Overview

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 2 - August 2016 After being the center of the “Islamic Golden Age” in the ninth century, Baghdad and the area that is the modern state of Iraq came under the control of various
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