Recruitment, Enrollment, and Advising

IEM Spotlight - April 2017

This year, we are taking a detour from our country-based approach and instead focusing on key areas of interest within IEM. We begin the year with a focus on transnational education (TNE), which has become an increasingly critical aspect of the internationalization of higher education.
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Using Veteran's Benefits for Education Abroad

With the increase in veterans entering the higher education system, more veterans are approaching education abroad offices to use the benefits of the GI Bill (as well as other military benefits) to enroll in programming.
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Understanding IEM in a Climate of Change

Given the current changing perceptions of the United States as a welcoming country to international students, many in the international enrollment management community may be facing challenging times as they travel abroad to recruit new international students and speak to
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Coming Together, Moving Forward

As campuses across the United States prepare for a new administration, many in the international education community are facing difficult questions from international students and scholars seeking answers and assurances.
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South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 3 - November 2016 By: Coleen Jaftha, South African Qualifications Authority The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is a statutory body established through the South African Qualifications Authority Act of 1995. The SAQA Act
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Survey Results for South Africa’s Education System

IEM Spotlight Newsletter, Vol. 13, Issue 3 - November 2016 By: Ujjaini Sahasrabudhe, University of Southern California Beginning with this issue, we are introducing a new feature where we survey colleagues at U.S. institutions to ask them about their
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