Recruitment, Enrollment, and Advising

The Different Approaches in International Credential Evaluation

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 19, Winter Issue | Table of Contents By Suha Rabah, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Shabeer Amirali, University of Louisville There are more than 1 million international students currently studying in the United States from roughly 195 countries and territories
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IEM Spotlight: Winter 2019

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 19, Winter Issue | Table of Contents As we approach the new year and the start of a new decade, it’s only natural to be reflective. Looking back at the past decade, the state of international enrollment management in the United States has seen many changes. In 2008–09, the growth
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Recruiting International Students with Disabilities

August 20, 2019 During this Government Connection, experts from Education USA, National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange discussed International Enrollment Management practices in recruiting international students with disabilities. This Government Connection helped answer these questions
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Q&A for ROTC Students Considering Education Abroad and Project GO

In the field of education abroad, advisers and administrators are constantly seeking ways to increase access and ensure that we are providing support to a broad spectrum of students. This Q&A guide is designed to provide insight on working with ROTC students seeking an overseas experience: What are
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Supporting Sponsored Students from Pre-Arrival Through Graduation

This Collegial Conversation explored different ideas that provide support, leadership training, and programming for students with a scholarship. Participants discussed and shared how universities can work with scholarship providers to enhance the student’s experience and give back to the community.
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Credential Survey of Francophone Countries

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents To give readers a range of perspectives regarding the foreign academic credentials found in the country or region covered in IEM Spotlight, the editorial team surveys a number of colleges and universities, in addition to professional
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The French Grading System

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents By: Quentin Law Phu, Ithaca College The Transatlantic Friendship and Mobility Initiative (TFMI), a joint declaration made in 2014 by the U.S. Department of State and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development
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Le Système Scolaire du Québec

IEM Spotlight, Vol. 18, Fall Issue | Table of Contents Jenika Heim, EducationUSA 1 Bonjour et bienvenue au Québec! Québec is the only society in North America where French is the sole official language, making it a province with the fighting spirit to maintain language rights and a culture distinct
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