People Development

2010 Spotlight College of the Atlantic

Henry Ford used to say that customers could buy his Model Ts in any color they wanted “so long as it is black.” The College of the Atlantic (COA), a small, alternative liberal arts school on the rugged coast of Maine, has similarly narrowed the choice of majors for its 355 students to one: human ecology, the study of humans’ relationships with each other and with the natural environment. The adventurous, environmentally conscious students drawn to this 35-acre campus on Mount Desert Island in Bar Harbor actually face far more choices than Ford’s customers of a century ago, for each is expected to customize this interdisciplinary major. “No two graduates will leave here with exactly the same course work and practical experiences,” said President David Hales.

But all share a passion for protecting the environment and mitigating the problems caused by the internal combustion engine and other sources of pollution. That explains why College of the Atlantic students and their professors can be found at the United Nations’ climate change meetings in such distant places as Montreal, Nairobi, Bali, Poznan, or Copenhagen. They have participated in other UN meetings in Bangalore, Johannesburg, Dubai, and Curitiba, Brazil, as well on topics from desertification to biodiversity to sustainable development. “The origins of this, like many things at the college, came as much from the students as it did from the faculty,” said Kenneth Cline, associate dean for faculty and professor of public policy and environmental law.

Preparing for International Talks

ITC 2010 Atlantic Associate Dean
Kenneth Cline, associate dean for faculty and professor of public policy and environmental law.

Cline, a lawyer by training who recently was named to hold a new David Rockefeller Family Chair in Ecosystem Management and Protection, leads an International Environmental Diplomacy Program that steels students for meaningful participation in these treaty talks. How is that possible or even plausible for a group of 18-to-22-year olds?

The College of the Atlantic, founded in 1969 by Bar Harbor residents and peace activists who wanted to bring a year-round enterprise to the tourist town that sits between Acadia National Park and Frenchman Bay (they originally thought of calling it Acadia Peace College), is well positioned for these international undertakings. It is one of the five campuses (along with Colby, Princeton, Middlebury, and Wellesley) chosen in 2000 to enroll United World College graduates on scholarships funded by philanthropist Shelby M.C. Davis. The United World Colleges are a global network of a dozen boarding schools offering the International Baccalaureate to top students from scores of countries identified as potential leaders. The Davis UWC Scholars program now helps UWC graduates at 91 U.S. colleges and universities. Starting with freshmen who entered in fall 2010, the program provides up to $20,000 per student each year for campuses with 40 or more UWC graduates, and $10,000 per student for the rest.

Thanks in part to these scholarships, one in six students at the College of the Atlantic is international. Among the 13 COA students at the climate change conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, in December 2010 was junior Neil Oculi, who was part of the official seven-person delegation from his home country, St. Lucia. A capsule biography on the COA Web site said of Oculi: “In his spare time, he enjoys hanging out with his friends, cooking, and planning how to become the next prime minister of St. Lucia.” ‘

'You Should Be Ashamed’

Another COA student and UWC alumnus, Juan Carlos Soriano of Lima, Peru, became the sole representative of the 1,500 youth attending the Copenhagen conference permitted to address the final plenary session. It was a bittersweet two minutes. Clad in a neon orange T-shirt emblazoned with the words, “How Old Will You Be in 2050?” Soriano upbraided the delegates for failing to reach a binding agreement to curb greenhouse gas emissions. “You should be ashamed,” said Soriano, who has seen the glaciers melting in the highlands of Peru.

ITC 2010 Atlantic UN Climate Change
Junior Neil Oculi was a delegate to the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen.

Soriano and a third COA student, Lauren Nutter, are leaders of SustainUS, a nonprofit organization of young people that works for sustainable development and youth empowerment. Nutter has attended the last three climate change conferences (Bali, Poznan, and Copenhagen) as well as a preparatory meeting in Bangkok. “The college has been really good in supporting those of us who want to go,” said Nutter, 21, of Uxbridge, Massachusetts. “Usually I’ve had at least my plane ticket paid for and most if not all of the accommodations, which is usually a hostel. I always end up spending some money on food.”

The COA participants received accreditation but like many activists found themselves on the outside looking in at times at the overcrowded Copenhagen meeting. Cline and Doreen Stabinsky, a geneticist and environmental activist who teaches half-time at COA, also attended the conference. Cline estimated that it cost $26,000 to attend the meeting, with the college contributing $14000 and the rest “we raised ourselves.”

Going Beyond Observer Status

“In the past we had some small forays into the international realm,” said Cline, but now the International Environmental Diplomacy Program and other classes offer students ways to participate in these high-level policy meetings that go beyond mere observation. Gray Cox, who teaches social theory, political economics, and history, said, “they aren’t international relations majors’ practicing their political science skills. They are human ecologists” who are integrating theory and practice. Forty-five percent of the class of 2010 studied abroad. Some performed service in Mexico, Tobago, and other places.

“Our students have multiple experiences abroad,” said Cox, who has been involved with the college since it opened in 1972 and once was admissions director. The coursework, the internships, service projects and community organizing, and the international networking “are all feeding into one another…in a way that’s very distinctive of the COA experience.” The International Environmental Diplomacy Program, he added, “is the crown jewel.”

Nutter believes youth are making progress in voicing their concerns, even if their pleas for stronger action on climate change were ignored by elders at Copenhagen. At Bali, she recalled, representatives of the 200 youth in attendance got to speak “just by asking the chair nicely.” In Copenhagen, the 1,500 youth had official status and a right to the microphone, at least briefly.

Exposure to ‘World’s Best Thinkers’

ITC 2010 Atlantic Student
Student Lauren Nutter has attended several UN climate change conferences.

Copenhagen drew 100 heads of state and their entourages. Such international gatherings are always “a three-ring circus,” said Cline. Outside the plenaries and closed-door negotiating sessions, “some of the preeminent experts of the world are there giving lectures and workshops. It’s a way for me to take students and expose them to some of the best thinkers in the world at the same time that they are actively involved in this process.”

“It’s a tremendous learning opportunity,” said Cline. “I would encourage any school that has an international program and any range of disciplines to think about this as a way of turning theory into practice.”

Nutter, who graduated in June, is spending 12 months traveling the world on a $25,000 Watson Fellowship. The Thomas J. Watson Foundation makes 40 such awards for independent study and travel outside the United States each year; graduates of 40 liberal arts colleges are eligible. Nutter is traveling to Turkey, India, Belgium, Netherlands, Peru, and Argentina, looking at how youth can be empowered in the environmental decisionmaking process.

Nutter was already an environmentalist before coming to the seaside campus in Maine to study human ecology. As she and other COA students have found, it is a place that encourages thinking globally.

ITC 2010 Atlantic Peace Studies
Gray Cox, professor of political economics, history, and peace studies.

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2010 Comprehensive Loyola University of Maryland

ITC 2010 Layola President
President Brian Linnane, S.J.

When a greater than expected number of students signed up to study abroad in 2009, Loyola University Maryland faced a dilemma. Tuition dollars follow the students and in a troubled economy, the redirection of resources was “more than we had budgeted for,” said Loyola President Brian Linnane, S.J. The university considered telling some students to forego the opportunity, “but in the end, we thought, ‘How could we do this? International education and the opportunity to study abroad is what we sell. It would have had a chilling effect.’” Loyola found other ways to economize.

Loyola University Maryland had a mission to uphold, namely to “inspire students to learn, lead, and serve in a diverse and changing world.” Loyola—one of four Jesuit universities in the U.S. that bear the name—encourages students to go beyond the leafy campus confines, whether that be to grittier parts of Baltimore or to Bangkok, Thailand. More than two-thirds of Loyola’s 3,700 undergraduates study abroad, do internships, or perform service overseas. They choose from 34 semester- or year-long education abroad opportunities in 26 countries.

Coupling Study Abroad and Service

Increasingly Loyola students are encouraged to perform community service while living and learning in another country. “This is a big part of the identity of Loyola,” said André Colombat, dean of International Programs and professor of French, whose staff collaborates with the campus’ large Center for Community Service and Justice (CCSJ) on twinning academics and volunteering overseas. That center, which has a staff of 14, also runs international immersion trips to El Salvador and Mexico in which students perform volunteer work but don’t receive academic credit for it.

Several other service-learning programs carry credit, including a summer course taught in Guadeloupe, the French archipelago in the Caribbean, and semester programs in El Salvador and Chile, where Loyola has an exchange agreement with Universidad Alberto Hurtado in Santiago.

French Professor Catherine Savell-Hebb takes students each summer to Marie-Galante in Guadeloupe, where they study French literature, hike through tropical forests to a volcano, and live with families in the beachfront town of Capesterre. They helped clean up after Hurricane Dean and, during more placid summers, taught computer skills to local children. The host stays are of particular importance to the professor who wants students to “be sensitive to what it means for the local families to host an American. They think nothing they have is good enough for us,” said Savell-Hebb.

“Often, later in life, little time bombs will go off, and they’ll say, ‘Oh, now I understand….Now it makes sense.’”

Andrea Goicochea, the CCSJ’s assistant director for International Immersion Programs and Justice Education, said, “I don’t know if their parents are thrilled with us because they may decide to go from studying law to (signing up) with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Their lives in some ways have been turned upside down.” Goicochea, a former Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic who spent 15 years as a lay missioner for the Maryknoll Fathers, said the impact of seeing poverty first hand sometimes hits long after their return. “Often, later in life, little time bombs will go off, and they’ll say, ‘Oh, now I understand….Now it makes sense,’” she said.

Roadblocks to Volunteering Overseas

Arranging service learning outside the United States poses extra challenges. The Center for Community Service and Justice’s Robin Crews and Christina Harrison both have encountered roadblocks. In Spain, where Loyola sends students for a semester at the University of Alcalá, the Spanish organizations wanted a six-month commitment from prospective volunteers, said Harrison, associate director of Immersion Programs and Education, but “our students are only there for four months.”

In Newcastle, England, the obstacle was a criminal background check required before student volunteers can work with children. British students at the University of Newcastle “usually wait at least a semester” before they start, said Crews. “That eliminates any possibility of volunteering if your student is there for just one semester.” They are trying to work out such wrinkles. “It’s definitely a learning curve,” said Harrison.

Seeking More International Students

The university is seeking to attract more international students. Only 1 percent of undergraduates and 3 percent of all students are international. Most of the 170 international students take classes not on the Evergreen campus but in graduate programs 10 to 15 miles away that offer advanced degrees in pastoral counseling, Montessori education, computer science, and other fields. Forty percent of Loyola’s 6,000 students are enrolled in graduate programs.

Martha Wharton, assistant vice president for Academic Affairs and Diversity, said that Loyola is looking to bring more international students in on exchanges, especially while Loyola juniors study abroad. The first exchange students from a technological university in Singapore arrived this fall. Loyola also offers two-year scholarships and a joint Loyola degree to qualified graduates of St. John’s College, a junior college in Belize.

While the international enrollment is sparse, Loyola draws 85 percent of its students from outside Maryland. Many come from the nearby states of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania and from New England.

Learning Diversity in the Classroom

Conscious of the need to expose students to people and viewpoints outside their comfort zones, Loyola requires all undergraduates to complete a diversity course before graduation. Faculty and administrators spent two years discussing and shaping the requirement before the Academic Senate approved it in March 2004 after vigorous debate. It took effect with the class that entered in 2006. Students can meet this requirement by taking a course with “a substantial focus”—more than 50 percent—on one of three issues: global diversity, domestic diversity, or social justice.

ITC 2010 Loyola Peace Corps
History Professor Elizabeth Schmidt with senior Meg Young, who studied in Ghana and joined the Peace Corps.

Several of history Professor Elizabeth Schmidt’s courses fulfill the requirement. Schmidt specializes in African history. “I have many courses with few history majors, but lots of business and global studies majors,” said Schmidt. One of her courses has a service-learning component. Her students not only learn in the classroom about strife in Africa, but also tutor African refugee children in downtown Baltimore. “I can’t tell you how many business majors I’ve had who (do this) a bit grudgingly, and then they get into it and keep tutoring after they leave my class,” she said.

Senior Meg Young shared the professor’s passion for African studies. Young, a global studies and French major from Greensboro, North Carolina, signed up with the Peace Corps after graduation to work in a small village in South Africa. Young spent one semester studying in Ghana and a second in Montpellier, France. Young, a star swimmer in high school, even got to help coach the Ghanaian national swim team while in Accra. “Everyone was so welcoming in Ghana,” said Young. “People ask me, ‘What did you learn? What was the biggest difference?’ I say what I learned was that there weren’t that many differences.”

Teaching in Thailand

Two other global studies majors, Chelsea Catsam of Pomfret, Connecticut, and Paulina Stachnik of Carmel, New York, packed their bags after graduation to spend a year in Thailand teaching English to children in Catholic schools. They are part of a corps of 30 graduates that Loyola selects and sends to Bangkok each year. Catsam, who aspires to become an international lawyer, spent her junior year in France and traveled across much of Europe, but was intent on broadening her horizons after college. “Asia is just so exciting for me,” she said.

“People ask me, ‘What did you learn? What was the biggest difference?’ I say what I learned was that there weren’t that many differences.”

Stachnik is a native of Krakow, Poland, whose family emigrated to the United States when she was 6. She spent a semester in Bangkok, took a Loyola study tour to India, and spent a summer studying in Prague, Czech Republic. “I came to Loyola largely because their study abroad programs were so highly emphasized,” said Stachnik. “I’m in good company here. The best thing about Jesuit education is that it opens the world up to you and once you open that, it’s hard to close.”

Success of Global Studies Major

Global studies is a recent creation at Loyola, launched in 2006 as an interdisciplinary amalgam of history, economics, political science, and sociology courses. Students have voted for the major with their feet: the first eight majors graduated in 2009, 18 in 2010, and 40 are on tap to graduate in 2011.

Sociologist Michael Burton, the first chair of global studies, said there had been discussions among the faculty for years about offering an international studies major. It finally took hold despite worries that it might siphon off majors from the four contributing departments. Those faculty concerns have been mitigated by the fact that many students have double majors.

Economics professor Marianne Ward, current chair of global studies, said the program’s name was deliberately chosen over the more common “international studies” because “we felt that ‘international studies’ had an implicit focus on the notion of the nation state…. Many issues in the current world environment transcend national boundaries. We wanted to capture that notion.”

Students must take macro and microeconomics, along with a modern Western civilization course that focuses on arts and culture. Comparative politics and statistics courses also are required, along with a senior seminar. The language requirement is the same as that for all undergraduates: two years. The global studies majors must either study abroad or do an internship with a company or NGO doing international work, domestically or overseas.

Bursting the Loyola ‘Bubble’

Senior Lauren Brown of Wellesley, Massachusetts, who spent her junior year in Beijing and Buenos Aires, said, “There’s a definite Loyola ‘bubble.’ We might just be a small group who is very internationally aware. (But) I think we’re moving in the right direction of breaking this bubble.” President Linnane and Vice President for Academic Affairs Timothy Law Snyder both are intent on bursting those bubbles, for students and faculty alike. “Even some that study abroad retain that bubble about themselves because they seek not to venture out and take risks,” said Snyder. He stressed the importance of increasing the diversity across the institution. “We are saying that the more diverse our student body, our faculty, our curriculum, our administration, our leadership, and our approaches can be, the healthier we will be,” said Snyder, a mathematician.

Snyder noted that when Loyola produced the first draft of a new strategic plan in 2008, students came forward and pressed the case for expanding the global studies program. Loyola is doing just that, with plans to hire six additional faculty in the field.

Looking After the President in Bangkok

Linnane and Snyder visited Loyola’s semester program at Assumption University in Bangkok in 2007; each blogged about the experience. More recently Linnane visited a Jesuit center for scholarship in Beijing. His snapshot of the Great Wall of China wound up on the back cover of the April 2010 Loyola magazine.

In Bangkok, students led Linnane and another Jesuit visitor to an “enormous open air market” for lunch one Sunday. Afterward, when the priests decided to make their own way back to the hotel, the students tried to talk them out of it. The two Jesuits did make the trip back unescorted, but what Linnane took away was that these Loyola students felt “they had come to own Bangkok—and they did.”

The Importance of Asia

ITC 2010 Loyola Leadership Programs
Dean Karyl Leggio, Sellinger School of Business and Management, and Ann Attanasio, director of Business Leadership Programs.

Linnane believes it is especially important for Loyola to expose students to Asia and other cultures outside “the rich intellectual tradition of the Christian West where our roots are as a Jesuit, Catholic institution.” Karyl Leggio, dean of Loyola’s Sellinger School of Business and Management, is also looking to the East for internships and study tours for her students. “We’re good with European experiences; we do okay with South America. We’re not doing nearly enough with Asia,” said Leggio, a professor of finance who is an authority on China’s largely unregulated stock markets. “If you’re coming out of business school and not thinking of studying in Asia, you’re making a mistake.”

Leggio, who came to Loyola from the University of Missouri at Kansas City, wondered beforehand about the relevance of religious-based education for MBA students. “Once I got here I realized it was absolutely the wrong concern,” said Leggio. “The Jesuits are about social justice and giving back to the poor and helping in the community. That is precisely the way you do business education if you want to do it well, I believe.

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2010 Comprehensive Carnegie Mellon University

ITC 2010 Carnegie Mellon President
President Jared Cohon

When Jared Cohon received the Carnegie Corporation of New York’s Academic Leadership Award in 2005, there was no shortage of worthy academic pursuits on which the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) president could spend the accompanying $500,000 prize. He chose to direct a large sum to a Global Awareness Across the Curriculum initiative, in which faculty from the institution’s six undergraduate colleges vied for grants to create new courses exploring international topics and themes. It achieved the desired results. An engineering professor won a national award for a project management course in which students in Pittsburgh collaborate with counterparts in Brazil, Israel, and Turkey. Information technology students teamed up with classmates in Qatar and students in Singapore to design Web sites for NGOs. In classes held synchronously and linked by video in Pittsburgh and Qatar, an architecture professor explored the challenges posed by the construction boom in cities in the Middle East. 

A n international bent comes naturally to Carnegie Mellon, a private university founded in 1900 by the Scots-born steelmaker and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie to teach “practical arts and sciences.” CMU is a bastion for computer science and for engineering and technology, but is also home to a celebrated fine arts program. It boasts not only of Nobel Laureates (16), but also of winners of Academy Awards (56) and numerous Tonys and Emmys. Both mathematician John Nash of A Beautiful Mind and artist Andy Warhol are alumni. Its labs have done pioneering work in artificial intelligence, robotics, and biometrics. Those breakthroughs occurred on the home campus in Pittsburgh, three miles from where the Allegheny and Monongahela meet to form the Ohio River. But today CMU has a wider footprint, with graduate programs in more than a dozen countries and a full-fledged undergraduate branch in Qatar.

One of Six U.S. Universities in Qatar

Carnegie Mellon Qatar is one of the six U.S. universities—the others are Weill Cornell Medical Center, Texas A&M, Northwestern, Virginia Commonwealth, and the Georgetown School of Foreign Service—offering degrees in the oilrich emirate’s Education City in Doha. Carnegie Mellon Qatar occupies a striking new building with golden interior walls on which are etched the words of Andrew Carnegie that serve as the university’s motto: “My heart is in the work.” A bagpiper in full Scots regalia played at the February 2009 ceremony where Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned, wife of the Emir and chair of the Qatar Foundation, and Cohon shared ribboncutting duties. The student body, half Qatari and half international students, is small (300) but growing, with roughly 35 graduates each year. It offers bachelor of science degrees in business administration, computer science, and information systems.

“If you spent enough time here in Pittsburgh to get the essence of Carnegie Mellon and then went to observe our ­program in Doha, you would say, ‘Gee, this really is Carnegie Mellon.’”

Carnegie Mellon, with unstinting support from the Qatar Foundation, has striven to replicate in Doha the educational offerings and the cocurricular experience afforded in Pittsburgh. Some faculty are hired from the region, but others such as Kelly Hutzell and Rami el Samahy from the School of Architecture alternate semesters’ teaching in Pittsburgh and Doha. Hutzell calls it “a joy” to be teaching her “Mapping Urbanism” course in a city undergoing dizzying changes. Carnegie Mellon deans and department heads visit Doha regularly and there is a brisk, two-way traffic of students on breaks, over summer and for full semester stays. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bill Gates have spoken at events hosted by Carnegie Mellon Qatar.

“If you spent enough time here in Pittsburgh to get the essence of Carnegie Mellon and then went to observe our program in Doha, you would say, ‘Gee, this really is Carnegie Mellon,’” said Cohon, a civil engineer who has piloted Carnegie Mellon since 1997.

Surging International Enrollment

The number of international students has doubled over the past decade, from 1,747 in fall 1999 to 3,518 in fall 2009. They constitute almost half the graduate student population and are strongly represented in engineering, management and information systems, computer sciences, and business.

Carnegie Mellon prepares undergraduates for careers in engineering, arts, humanities, and sciences. Many of these professionally oriented majors have requirements that can make it difficult for students to fit education abroad into their schedules. Some 400 now take some of their coursework overseas, and that number has been rising. “Study abroad in the usual semester abroad sense is sometimes a hard sell,” said Linda Gentile, director of the Office of International Education. This reality has strengthened the determination of faculty and administrators such as Vice Provost for Education Indira Nair to find other ways for students to, in Nair’s words, “become aware, socially responsible global citizens.” This includes innovative uses of technology to expand the classroom well beyond the confines of Pittsburgh and arranging unusual summer internships in faraway places for CMU’s technologically adept students.

A Memorable Lesson in Concrete

ITC 2010 Carnegie Mellon Professor
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Lucio Soibelman won an award for his global project management course teaming students from Pittsburgh, Brazil, Israel, and Turkey.

Lucio Soibelman, professor of civil engineering, codesigned the award-winning construction project management class taught synchronously with engineering schools in Brazil, Israel, and Turkey. His share of the president’s Carnegie award paid for digital equipment that allows students in all four countries to see everything that Soibelman writes on a whiteboard in Porter Hall in Pittsburgh. Soibelman isn’t teaching basic engineering skills—these advanced students are well beyond that—but he is equipping them to overcome the cultural barriers that working engineers confront daily on international projects. “The main readings and discussions are related to globalization. They read books on working across cultures and on negotiation,” said Soibelman, a native of Brazil.

His students once got into a friendly quarrel with their Turkish counterparts over how quickly concrete could be poured. “The Turkish students kept saying they could build one floor per week. The American students kept pushing back, saying, ‘No, you can’t,’” recalled Soibelman. One floor a month is the U.S. norm. But when the Americans flew to Turkey on spring break, the Turkish students immediately brought them to a construction site where concrete was being poured. A week later, before the return flight, they returned to see the next floor going up. “When I asked my students how the trip was and what sights they had seen, they just looked at me and said, ‘They can do it,’” recalled the professor, who explained that lower labor costs, greater use of concrete, and major investment in concrete forms allow the Turks to build more rapidly.

“We want every student to have a global perspective and be able to use their expertise to solve real world problems (across) disciplinary boundaries and national boundaries.”

Globe-Trotting Student Consultants

Joseph S. Mertz, Jr., who teaches in both the School of Computer Science and the graduate H. John Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, places students each summer on internships as technology consultants in Micronesia, the Cook Islands, Palau, India, and elsewhere. “I teach geeks the soft skills they need to put their technical skills to use in the service of humanity,” said Mertz. CMU undergraduates helped the Republic of Nauru issue national identification numbers to its 10,000 inhabitants. Two students helped the tiny island of Niue, the smallest selfgoverning country in the world (pop. 1,400), connect laptops to the internet for its 500 schoolchildren. At a Bangalore, India, orphanage for blind children, students wired a computer to a traditional Braille machine, sounding out the letters and words children wrote with a stylus and correcting their spelling.

In the Global Project Management course taught by Randy Weinberg, director of the Information Systems (IS) program, students in Pittsburgh and Doha collaborate with students at Singapore Management University. “They do video, they Skype, they e-mail. We have the same readings, assignments, and assessments,” said Weinberg. It is a taste of the life they will lead when they graduate “because unless you’re a small, boutique IS shop, your clients and partners are going to be in distant locations.”

The culture at Carnegie Mellon is highly interdisciplinary. Partnerships are encouraged with colleagues across campus and around the world. “We want every student to have a global perspective and be able to use their expertise to solve real world problems (across) disciplinary boundaries and national boundaries,” said Amy Burkert, an assistant science dean who designed and taught one of the global courses and recently succeeded the retiring Nair as vice provost for Education.

Branding Carnegie Mellon Overseas

Doing what Carnegie Mellon is doing in Qatar is daunting, but there has been widespread agreement that “getting the Carnegie Mellon brand out into the world was an adventure worth pursuing,” said Provost Mark Kamlet.

Students from Pittsburgh are encouraged to spend a semester in Doha, and 10 are sent over spring break on a trip paid for by the division of student affairs in Pittsburgh and Qatar Foundation. Fifty students vie for those slots, and those chosen are expected on their return to share the experience with peers.

Megan Larcom, 21, a senior from Middletown, Rhode Island, majoring in international relations and business administration, interned in the Doha student affairs office the summer after freshman year, then returned to Qatar for a full semester as both a student and teaching assistant in accounting classes. A varsity rower with a 4.0 GPA, she also played on a newly formed women’s basketball team in Doha. She twice won federal scholarships to spend summers studying Arabic in Tunisia and Morocco, then landed a Fulbright scholarship to Egypt, where she is teaching English and pursuing research at Suez Canal University.

Student Affairs in Qatar

ITC 2010 Carnegie Mellon Linguistics
Pooja Reddy linguistics doctoral candidate is researching how poor children in her native Bangalore, India, acquire second and third languages.

That student affairs office in Doha has a staff of ten, larger than any of the other U.S. universities in Education City, said Renee Camerlengo, assistant dean of student affairs and director of special projects in Pittsburgh. “From the very beginning we really believed in a very strong out-of-classroom experience” for the Doha students, most of whom commute to classes, said Camerlengo.

While Qatar is regarded as a progressive and tolerant place, Camerlengo asks the American students to dress conservatively and not drink alcohol while living in the Muslim country “as guests of the Emir and the Sheikha.” On their return, students are expected to share what they saw and learned. “We’ll never be able to send all 5800 (undergraduates) to Doha on this kind of trip, so the students fortunate enough to go have to bring a part of that experience back to their contemporaries,” Camerlengo said.

Opportunities and Pins on a Map

President Cohon said the expansion of Carnegie Mellon’s global footprint has not been “as strategic as we would like. If we took a map of the world and put pins on the countries we would like for Carnegie Mellon to be present in…. It would be China and India first, and then maybe other places after.”

But CMU planted its flag in the Middle East when the Qatar Foundation pledged to furnish the facility and cover most other costs. “Where we are is very much a product of our taking advantage of opportunities that have arisen and respecting the constraint we have self imposed, which is that we will not subsidize any international program from Pittsburgh. They have to pay for themselves,” said Cohon. “We are not a rich university.”

Cohon wants Carnegie Mellon to be recognized “as an important institution and indispensable institution in those new centers of wealth and power.” And he wants the university community to look back in 2050 and say, “Gee, it really was a great thing that we decided to become a global university 50 years ago.”

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2011 Comprehensive New York University

New York University’s prodigious number of international students (7,200) and participation in education abroad (4,300) have long solidified its place among the most international U.S. universities. Now it has laid claim to the title of the world’s first “global network university,” with a new liberal arts college open in Abu Dhabi, a second in the works for Shanghai, and nearly a dozen other sites around the world where NYU students go to study. Most of its 43,000 students still throng the buildings with their signature violet flags that surround Washington Square. Amending the 1831 pronouncement by Albert Gallatin and other founders that they were creating a university “in and of the city,” President John Sexton describes today’s NYU as “in and of the world.” 

ITC 2011 New York President
President John Sexton says that NYU’s global network of campuses are building its scholarly strengths and exposing students to the full range of human experience.

Sexton, seated in his office atop red sandstone Bobst Library with a red-tailed hawk nesting outside his window, said the concept of the global network university is still evolving, but like a Polaroid picture becoming clearer over time. It is not, he emphasized, merely a hub-and-spoke arrangement or set of affiliated branches. “We see the university as an organism, a circulatory system” for faculty and students to move between continents for learning and research, Sexton said. He recalled a conversation over breakfast at Chequers with then Chancellor of the Exchequer of Britain Gordon Brown, who remarked that NYU’s ambitious conception brought to mind the Italian Renaissance “and the way the talent class moved among Milan and Venice and Florence and Rome.” That captures in a nutshell “the world view in which we see ourselves operating,” said Sexton.

The peripatetic Sexton had just returned from a 12day journey to Abu Dhabi, Singapore, South Korea, and Abu Dhabi again. A Brooklyn native, Sexton was schooled by the Jesuits at Fordham University to be a professor of religion, then retooled at Harvard Law School as a legal scholar. He has played a multitude of parts—champion high school debate coach, clerk to the Chief Justice of the United States, law school dean, and chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He is wont to quote Teilhard de Chardin, Martin Buber, Diogenes (“I am a citizen of the world”), and Charley Winans, his mentor and faculty legend at Brooklyn Prep.

Seeking an Edge in Global Talent Competition

ITC 2011 New York Freshman
Mercedes Moya, an American raised in Paris majoring in politics and Italian, spent her first year at the NYU center in Florence.

Sexton believes NYU has gained an edge in a global competition for talent, such as the prominent economist it landed by offering to let him teach every fourth year in Abu Dhabi, closer to his wife’s family in Pakistan. He can envision the future Shanghai campus luring a world-class mathematician with aging parents in China. Already Sexton and Alfred Bloom, vice chancellor for NYU Abu Dhabi, boast of creating “the world’s honors college” in the Middle East emirate. NYU and its Abu Dhabi patron flew several hundred high school seniors to the emirate for weekend visits before admitting the first class of 149, one-third American. The median SAT verbal and math scores were 1470. NYU Abu Dhabi in May awarded $16 million over five years for four joint-faculty research projects that will be based in Abu Dhabi and deal with climate modeling, computer security and privacy, cloud computing, and computational physics. Sexton has promised that all of NYU’s overseas operations will be self-sustaining and won’t siphon resources from Washington Square.

Vice Provost for Globalization and Multicultural Affairs Ulrich Baer presides over NYU’s 10 global academic centers for education abroad in Accra, Ghana; Berlin, Germany; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Florence, Italy; London, England; Madrid, Spain; Paris, France; Prague, Czech Republic; Shanghai, China, and Tel Aviv, Israel. Two sites are planned for Sydney, Australia, and Washington, D.C., and Sexton expects to open two more in South America and South Asia. With Abu Dhabi—Washington Square students will be able to spend a semester there—NYU’s global network will feature at least 16 sites by 2014.

Baer, who rowed crew at Harvard as an international student from Germany and did his PhD in comparative literature at Yale, has authored books on photography and the poet Rainer Maria Rilke and edited a literary anthology about the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center. Apart from providing academic and intellectual leadership for NYU’s global network, Baer’s duties now include negotiating long-term leases for more housing in London and Paris as well as explaining to NYU students why they can party in dorms in some parts of the world but not others. “The university is just starting to grasp what it means to operate globally like most corporations do,” he said. “You move people around. When you’re in Shanghai, do we pay for your dental insurance or not?” 

“I felt like I had died and gone to international education heaven.”

An Ethos of Education Abroad

Given the size of NYU’s education abroad program, it might be expected that this enterprise operates from a high visibility office with heavy foot traffic. That is not the case. Although NYU aspires to soon unify international operations in a single location, Baer and the Office of Global Programs currently occupy a suite on the eleventh floor of Bobst Library, while most education abroad staff work out of the lower level of a high-rise residence ten blocks away. They make education abroad pitches at innumerable orientation sessions but leave it to academic advisers within NYU’s 16 schools to close the sales. “Each college has a point person. By the time they get to us, they typically have decided,” said Associate Director Jaci Czarnecki. “We might meet with them to talk about which location makes the most sense and what they need to do to apply and be admitted and get there.” Education abroad is so ingrained in the NYU experience that most students don’t need a lot of convincing, she added. 

Some undergraduates are admitted to spend their first year at NYU centers in Florence, London, Paris, or Shanghai. Sophomore Mercedes Moya, U.S. born but raised in Paris, started at La Pietra, the Florence estate where students live and attend classes. “For me, New York is abroad,” said Moya, a politics and Italian major. “It was the city that drew me here. New York is definitely the capital of the world.”

Nearly 1,000 business majors study abroad each year, according to Susan Greenbaum, associate dean of the Stern School of Business. Over spring break last March, Stern flew 650 juniors in its international economics course to Budapest, Buenos Aires, or Singapore to visit businesses. An alumni benefactor supports the program. Stern also now offers a business and political economy degree in which students spend two semesters in London and a third in Shanghai. “We hope that we’ve lit them on fire” for work in the international arena, Greenbaum said.

Wanted: More International Undergraduates

The Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS) already occupies prime real estate a block from Washington Square. NYU enrolls more than 6,700 international students—one-third are undergraduates. The countries that send the most students to NYU are South Korea (1,400), China (almost 1,200), and India (more than 1,000). Most pursue master’s degrees or PhDs, but the 2,035 international undergraduates are double the number of five years ago. (Some 1,000 graduates are on Optional Practical Training.) OISS director David Austell said that when he arrived at NYU in 2007, “I felt like I had died and gone to international education heaven.”

Sexton aims to boost the number of international undergraduates from 9.1 to 20 percent. Freshman Hyun Seok Oh, a permanent resident of Hong Kong, chose NYU because he wanted to study in a metropolis like his hometown. Oh, an economics major, said, “A campus would have been nice and everything, but the advantages here outweigh the disadvantages. It’s a great place.” 

“I felt kind of lost, but then I got used to it and made a bunch of friends,” she said. Studio arts “is a small program within a huge school…(and) the advisee system is very good.”

While business is the biggest draw for international students, more than 800 are enrolled in NYU’s vibrant visual and performing arts programs. Young Eun “Grace” Lee, from Seoul, South Korea, is a studio arts major. At first NYU seemed bigger than she bargained for and “I felt kind of lost, but then I got used to it and made a bunch of friends,” she said. Studio arts “is a small program within a huge school…(and) the advisee system is very good.”

ITC 2011 New York Arts Major
Young Eun “Grace” Lee (left), a studio arts major, and ESL student Yoon Soo Cho, both from Seoul, South Korea, outside Bobst Library.

While international undergraduates live in NYU’s high rise residences, graduate students are dispersed. With sky-high rents in Greenwich Village and much of Manhattan, some find apartments across the East River in Brooklyn or across the Hudson River in Jersey City, Hoboken, and other areas linked to the city by rapid transit.

The plan is to eventually enroll 2,000 students at NYU Abu Dhabi and as many as 3,000 in Shanghai, which will start in 2013. Sexton enlisted May Lee, an NYU-trained lawyer and banker, to negotiate terms with the Chinese Ministry of Education, Shanghai’s municipal government, the government of the special Pudong district, and East China Normal University. Lee, associate vice chancellor for Asia and daughter of Chinese immigrants, said the idea of bringing American-style education to China and helping the Chinese build a bridge to Westerners “really struck a chord with me.”

Turning Students Into ‘Inspired’ Jazz Musicians in Europe

Faculty in this large, decentralized university continue to find ways to entice U.S. students to venture into the world. David Schroeder, director of jazz studies, has turned Florence and Prague into favored destinations for music majors. “Nobody wants to leave New York as a jazz musician,” said Schroeder, but while his students are treated as greenhorns in Manhattan, “in Europe they’re considered those young, inspired jazz musicians from New York City.”

Junior Zach Feldman, 20, a music business major, was a deejay at the Hard Rock Cafe Prague and arranged parties that drew hundreds to other clubs in fall 2010. “It was really cool, dealing with club owners who didn’t speak any English,” he said. “Literally half the sophomore class (of music business majors) is going to Prague next semester (fall 2011).”

ITC 2011 New York Center
La Maison Francaise on the Washington Mews, an active center of French-American cultural and intellectual exchange.

Some 4,349 undergraduates studied abroad in 2009–10. Among the three-quarters who had declared a major, only 52 were language majors. Some global centers require language study, but most courses are taught in English. Associate Professor of Sociology Tom Ertman began the Berlin program in 2005 with non-German speakers in mind. “You could (never) run a program out of here targeting German students because there weren’t enough of them,” said Ertman. But lots of students were intrigued by the German capital’s image as “a cool, young, happening place.” Some 140 students study there each year, including large numbers from NYU’s Steinhardt art programs.

What China Wants From Washington Square

Xudong Zhang, a comparative literature professor and chair of East Asian studies, said Chinese language enrollments have grown “at an explosive rate” and now top 1,000. Zhang helped launch the Shanghai education abroad center in 2006 and directs China House, one of the NYU language and culture centers. China House soon will move into a new home alongside La Maison Française and Deutsches Haus on charming Washington Mews, a gated block of converted nineteenth century stables.

Zhang grew up in Shanghai, the son of naval research engineers. East Asian studies, he said, will be “no more special than other departments” in the partnership with East China Normal University. “What leading Chinese universities want from us is not ethnic Chinese faculty like me; they want our best researchers in science, social sciences, and the arts.”

President Sexton knows what his partners want and what NYU wants, which is to become one of the two or three dozen premiere research universities in the world. Many rivals have greater space and more resources, Sexton averred, but they cannot match NYU’s “locational endowment”—New York City—and “attitudinal endowment”—its aggressive entrepreneurship.

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2011 Comprehensive Beloit College

Like a championship basketball team from the past, the first dozen Beloit College students who flew off to Europe in 1960 are still remembered and celebrated at the Wisconsin campus as “the Brussels Sprouts” who set the pace for study abroad. Beloit’s international roots extend to the nineteenth century when the first international students enrolled and alumni founded universities in Japan and Turkey. Campus museums display the artifacts that archeology and anthropology professors brought back from Africa and Asia. Between the two world wars, Dean George Collie made headlines with a proposal to turn Beloit into a “world college” for students from around the globe dedicated to pursuing peace and racial harmony.

Today this liberal arts campus by the scenic Rock River is renowned for its success in integrating education abroad into the curriculum. Working with colleagues from Kalamazoo College, International Education Director Elizabeth Brewer coedited and other Beloit faculty contributed to an entire book on the topic, Integrating Study Abroad Into the Curriculum: Theory and Practice Across the Disciplines, which lays out a blueprint for maximizing the benefits of education abroad. “We established a mission statement for international education and then invented learning goals for study abroad,” said Brewer. “We’ve focused on multiple things—communication skills, understanding oneself, learning from the host country, and not just about the host country but making discoveries about the subjects the students study here.” Beloit also is a sponsor of the journal, Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad. A signature Beloit approach is its Cities in Transition courses that use foreign cities as classrooms and send students off on explorations after teaching them how to map new places, conduct ethnographic studies, and interview strangers about their everyday lives. Brewer, an adjunct professor in German, has helped Beloit secure steady support from foundations for these efforts. Brewer, director of the international education office since 2002, is a former study abroad director who took three years off in mid-career to serve as a Peace Corps volunteer in rural Slovakia.

Integrating Student Insights From Abroad

ITC 2011 Beloit President
President Scott Bierman says Beloit pays great attention to careful preparation before departure and thoughtful celebration of students’ experiences after study abroad.

The 45 percent of Beloit students who take part in education abroad may spend a semester at one of the college’s 11 bilateral exchange partners or sign up for classes offered by other affiliated universities and study abroad organizations. Almost half study in Asia, Latin America, or Africa and only a small number go to any one place. “Our students become extremely self-sufficient, self-reliant, and independent. They learn to problem solve because they are on their own,” said Beth Dougherty, chair of the international relations department. They must write a series of short essays before they go overseas about how the particular program will enhance their education and demonstrate forethought about the country and people they will encounter. The Committee on International Education, composed of six faculty and two students, reviews each application and sometimes orders rewrites. “We pay a lot of attention to their preparation before they go, and we celebrate the experiences in substantial ways when they return,” said President Scott Bierman. The college calls off classes on a Wednesday in mid-November for an International Symposium where dozens of students make presentations on what they learned overseas. Among topics explored in the 47 talks in November 2010 were human rights activism in China, persecution of albinos in Uganda, Muscovites’ remembrance of their war dead, and Mexicans’ use of the folk healing method curanderismo.

The Cities in Transition experiential learning courses have been offered since 2005 in such places as Moscow; Kaifeng and Jinan, China; and, with Mellon Foundation support, in Quito, Ecuador. The students attend other classes taught by local faculty, but a Beloit professor back in Wisconsin directs their research projects and joins them once or twice over the course of the semester. Beloit students have studied the life-size statues and funerary art in a famous Moscow cemetery, interviewed peddlers who erect a “night market” on the streets of Kaifeng each evening, and explored the hardships of life as a migrant worker in Senegal’s capital. Their professors use the Internet to guide and monitor the students’ site-based learning. Some students have won Fulbright grants to continue these explorations after graduation. In a comparative Cities in Transition course taught mainly on the home campus, students examine issues of health and poverty in Beloit and Managua, Nicaragua, where they spend a week mid-semester. 

The Cities in Transition pedagogy “helps students get out and look at a city in ways they wouldn’t otherwise,” said Donna Oliver, a professor of Russian who dispatches the students to Moscow’s Novoderichy cemetery to begin their research on remembrance. Daniel Youd, chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, said a fascination with contemporary China draws many students into study of Mandarin. At first some questioned why they were going to provincial cities instead of Beijing, “but as the word has gotten out that these are great programs, students are more than excited to go to Kaifeng and Jinan,” Youd said.

Unparalleled Preparation for World Citizenship

Beloit adopted a mission statement in 2005 that reads, “Our emphasis on international and interdisciplinary perspectives, the integration of knowledge with experience, and close collaboration among peers, professors, and staff equips our students to approach the complex problems of the world ethically and thoughtfully.” Its 2008 Strategic Plan for the 21st Century committed the college to expanding the Cities in Transition offerings and providing “unparalleled preparation for world citizenship to all students.” 

“Our emphasis on international and interdisciplinary perspectives, the integration of knowledge with experience, and close collaboration among peers, professors, and staff equips our students to approach the complex problems of the world ethically and thoughtfully.”

Natalie Gummer, an associate professor of religious studies and expert on Buddhism who has twice taught Cities in Transition courses in China, uses the same mapping and exploration techniques in a freshman seminar she directs that dispatches new students out into Beloit, a city of 36,000 residents dealing with aging industry and one of the highest unemployment rates in Wisconsin. While Beloit may not seem as exotic and unfamiliar as Kaifeng or Quito, the exercise gets the college students thinking from the start “about their role in the community and how to engage thoughtfully with the city and its people,” said Gummer.

Although Beloit has no foreign language requirement, 70 percent of students sign up for at least one language class. Half reach the intermediate level and a quarter complete four semesters of Spanish, French, German, Russian, Mandarin, or Japanese. The college provides resources for students to study Arabic on their own, and offers intensive summer classes in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. All students must take at least two courses on global relations and on another language or culture. Beloit opened a Center for the Study of World Affairs, now part of the international education office, back in 1960, the same year those education abroad pioneers flew off to Brussels.

Grants from the Freeman, Mellon, and Luce foundations have enabled Beloit to add faculty in international relations, Chinese, and Japanese, as well as art history. A third of the 105-member faculty contributed to an Asian studies push that led to a flowering of new courses, including one called The Physics of Asian Music. Twenty-nine faculty traveled to Asia with Freeman Foundation support. 

Support for International Students

Beloit enrolled 109 international students in 2009– 10, or 8 percent of the student body. It provides more financial aid to international undergraduates than most U.S. colleges its size or larger. “It’s an enormous commitment on the part of the college, but it’s part of our mission, part of our history,” said Bierman.

ITC 2011 Beloit Students
Ted Liu, sophomore from Chengdu, China, is majoring in economics and anthropology, and Kristof Huszar, exchange student from Budapest, Hungary, is an aspiring mathematician.

The beneficiaries include sophomore Teng (Ted) Liu, 20, of Chengdu, China, the son of a local official and a policeman. It took just one class at Beloit for Liu to decide to major not only in economics but also anthropology. The college gave him a grant to spend a month in New York City’s Chinatown after his freshman year researching how Buddhism helps Chinese immigrants adjust to U.S. life. “Anthropologists and economists need to learn from each other,” said Liu, who believes cultural sensitivity will stand him in good stead for an international business career.

“Anthropologists and economists need to learn from each other, said Liu, who believes cultural sensitivity will stand him in good stead for an international business career.”

Kristof Huszar, 20, an exchange student from Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, savored his one semester on the Wisconsin campus. “I learned new things from different perspectives,” said the budding mathematician, son of a history professor and English teacher. “I have many American friends. The whole atmosphere here is very international. It’s just a global thinking. Quite often students from five continents sit at the same table and have lunch together. This was such a great experience for me.”

Weissberg Chair Draws International Leaders

Each spring the college brings in a prominent international figure for a weeklong series of classes and lectures first made possible by a gift from Marvin Weissberg, a real estate developer and Beloit parent. Daughter Nina Weissberg, class of 1984, now a trustee, is involved as well. Former Iraqi defense, finance, and trade minister Ali Allawi held the visiting Weissberg Chair in International Studies in 2011. Among his predecessors dating back to 1999 have been Palestinian leader Hanan Ashrawi, South African Justice Richard Goldstone, and Jan Egeland, former head of humanitarian affairs for the United Nations.

Allawi, an exile during the long regime of Saddam Hussein and his Ba’ath Party, survived two attempts on his life in Baghdad. The historian now sees “a glimmer of light at the end of a dark tunnel” for Iraq and the Middle East. He drew hope from how France and Germany resolved their historic enmity, and from South Korea’s reconciliation with Japan despite years of mistreatment. “The Koreans transcended that. They had to. It’s a question not only of survival but the well being of their people. You can’t just be looking at rectifying historical injustices all the time,” said Allawi. “There has to be something better at the end of the day.”

Short-Term ‘Advertisements’ for Semester Study Abroad

ITC 2011 Beloit International Studies
Real estate developer Marvin Weissberg, with daughter Nina, an alumna and trustee, endowed a visiting chair in international studies as well as human rights lectures.

It might be expected that at a liberal arts college with such emphasis on international education, an even higher percentage of students would study abroad. The emphasis on semester programs and the academic calendar at Beloit—there is no January term—“works against us in terms of the metrics,” said Bierman. For first- and second-year students he favors adding new, short-term education abroad offerings “carefully crafted so that they are not seen as substitutes for the semester-length experiences, but rather as advertisements for a subsequent longer period abroad.”

Bierman sees a double advantage to having faculty lead short-term education abroad courses: it would enrich their own international experience and expertise. “We expect faculty to introduce international elements into nearly every class that they teach at Beloit, but that would be leveraged if faculty also had greater opportunities to teach abroad,” the president said.

Up to three-quarters of international relations majors write senior theses on topics they began researching abroad. Pablo Toral, associate professor of political science, said one student who studied disruptions caused by two big dams in Thailand knew so much about the project that students at the Thai university took to calling her “Mrs. Dam.”

Cultivating ‘Intentionality’ About Study Abroad

ITC 2011 Beloit Professor
Pablo Toral, associate professor of political science, assures international relations majors without a thesis topic that the “topic will find you” when they study abroad.

The Spanish-born Toral advises students who head abroad without a thesis topic in mind “to relax. If you don’t find your thesis, the thesis topic will find you.” The key is to steer them to the right courses beforehand, help them ask the right questions while abroad, “and when they come back, you can’t let the dream die. You have to keep feeding them, pushing them,” said Toral. International education “is a never ending project.”

This strong focus on cultivating “student intentionality” about education abroad and then encouraging undergraduates to take full advantage of international events on campus are “helping us improve the learning outcomes from study abroad,” said Brewer. Students “are bound to learn something if you send them overseas, but the outcomes are so much stronger if you help them think about what they’re trying to achieve before they go.”

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2012 Spotlight Providence College

ITC 2012 Providence  Service Coordinator
Michelle DePlante, an immigration services coordinator in Providence, co-teaches some of the introductory global studies classes. The 2008 alumna was among the first majors.

When Sonia Penso enrolled at Providence College, it was the dream of her autoworker parents—Portuguese immigrants whose education stopped in grade school—that she become a doctor or lawyer. Sonia herself envisioned law school as a strong possibility. But majoring in global studies, studying abroad in Nicaragua and Argentina, and working with troubled U.S. and Latino youth led her down a different path. She is now a caseworker with Homeboy Industries, a renowned gang intervention program in Los Angeles. “When everything shifted, I was really surprised that both my parents were incredibly supportive,” said the 23-year-old, who graduated in 2011. 

Global studies seems to have the effect of altering career trajectories. Michelle DePlante ‘08, who was among the first to sign up when Providence created the interdisciplinary major in 2005, does immigrant and refugee work in the Rhode Island capital. Victoria Neff ‘09 is at the University of Denver doing graduate work in international studies after two years in the Peace Corps in China. Alexandra BetGeorge ‘11 is a Fulbright Scholar teaching English to high school students in Bulgaria.

These are the career paths that leaders at the Catholic college envisioned when it created the interdisciplinary major and imbued it with extensive community service requirements across all four years. They must become fluent in a second language (two advanced level courses) and, naturally, participate in education abroad. The global studies program now has nearly 100 majors and graduates 25 students each year.

An Ethos of Service and New Emphasis on Education Abroad

ITC 2012 Providence Global Studies
Global Studies Director Nicholas Longo in Ecuador in 2010.

The ethos of service runs strong at Providence, the only U.S. college founded and run by the white-robed Dominican Friars, but a push to internationalize students’ experiences picked up steam with the creation of a Center for International Studies in 2007 to facilitate education abroad. The college’s 2011 strategic plan seeks to boost the education abroad participation rate from 15 to 35 percent. An overhaul of the core curriculum addressed the need to develop more engaged students who undertake “research, scholarship, service, internships, and other immersion experiences locally, regionally, and abroad.”

Since making financial aid fully portable for the first time—a step with an annual cost of $3 million—Providence has seen the number of education abroad students rocket from 163 in 2010–11 to 230 in 2011–12, with even larger numbers projected for the 2012–13 academic year, said Dean of International Studies Adrian Beaulieu, who recently hired a fourth staff person for the Center for International Studies. The percentage studying abroad for a full semester has risen to 25 percent. Beaulieu said the first mandate he was given when hired as dean in 2007 was “to get serious about study abroad.”

Nicholas Longo, now the director of global studies, taught the first introductory course on global studies to 20 students back in 2005 as a part-time lecturer. Longo is a summa cum laude graduate from the class of 1996 who majored in political science, minored in a then-new department, public and community service studies, and became a civic engagement activist and scholar. He returned to his alma mater in 2008.

An Interdisciplinary Faculty and Community Advisers

Global studies has no faculty of its own but draws from other departments. Longo, an associate professor in the Department of Public and Community Service, said, “There’s a core group of six faculty from social work, from philosophy, from the business school, from foreign language, from sociology, and from public service.” 

Some courses are co-taught by community advisers such as DePlante, outreach coordinator for International Institute Rhode Island (IIRI), a nonprofit that provides educational, legal, and social services to immigrants and refugees throughout the state and southeast New England. She had done volunteer work for the institute as a college student and joined it full-time upon graduation. Now some of the students she teaches fulfill their service requirement by volunteering at IIRI.

Seeing the Real World Implications of Globalization

Service learning is built into most of the major’s required courses. Students often work in teams on projects that in Longo’s words “examine globalization and global citizenship through the lens of local community engagement.”

Using local activists as co-teachers “really brings a community voice into the classroom,” said Longo, who once was a national student coordinator for the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Campus Compact and later directed Miami University’s civic leadership institute.
“Students are not just studying globalization in that first course. They are doing service learning and civic engagement projects and seeing what the real world implications of globalization are in Providence,” said Longo. 

Like Sonia Penso, DePlante, the daughter of a Cuban immigrant, had to explain her choice of the major “more than once” to her parents and other relatives skeptical of whether it would lead to a job. “But I knew I was learning critical skills that would be the foundation for any direction I wanted to go,” said DePlante, who minored in business and Spanish as well. “The major provides the leadership and thinking skills that employers and grad schools are looking for.” She studied and did a business internship in Seville, Spain, then wrote her thesis on the assimilation of Hispanic immigrants in Providence.

A Capstone Globally Engaged Thesis

ITC 2012 Providence Students
Global studies students sophomore Jessica Ho and freshman Debi Lombardi celebrating at the Equator on a service project in Ecuador.

Most of Providence’s 3,900 undergraduates do not have to write theses, but the capstone of global studies is a requirement to produce a “globally engaged” thesis. The seniors participate in a year-long seminar synthesizing what they have learned in the classroom and in their community involvement at home and abroad, then write a paper that is supposed to have real world implications, like the comparative study that Penso did on troubled urban youth in Nicaragua, Argentina, and Rhode Island.
Throughout the four years, the majors must develop an individualized learning plan and keep an “e-portfolio” tracking their progress in learning a second language, choosing an education abroad program, engaging in civic and service activities, and demonstrating awareness of global issues.

Longo said it has taken time to convince some faculty colleagues that global studies was “a rigorous and legitimate academic discipline,” but the projects students have taken on and their success after graduation have made that task easier. Neff, who came to Providence on a soccer scholarship, wrote her thesis on the role of community organizations in combating HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. BetGeorge studied abroad in Tunisia, which positioned her well to write a thesis on the role of Facebook in sparking the first Arab Spring revolution.

Reaching Students Outside the Major

While global studies has had a strong influence on its own students, until this fall there was scant room in its courses for non-majors. But with a newly hired adjunct, the college now offers four sections of Introduction to Global Studies instead of two. “Part of the reason we haven’t grown as much as we probably could have is that if you didn’t come in as a global studies major, it was hard to get into the course,” said Longo. Now he hopes to “introduce the themes and the concepts from our course to many more students.”

“People aren’t looking at us any more like we were totally crazy for majoring in global studies,” Penso said with a laugh. “For me, it was the best choice I made. I’m so thankful that so many of the experiences that I had”—she worked with gang kids in Managua and undocumented youth in Buenos Aires—“were so far out of my comfort zone. It made me feel I can accomplish so much and do so many other things. It prepared us for the real world.”

Read more about Providence College

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2012 Comprehensive University of Michigan

They were just brief remarks in the wee hours of the chill October 1960 night on the stone steps of the Michigan Union from a tired John F. Kennedy who had flown in after debating rival Richard Nixon in New York. But the future president threw out a challenge to the thousands of students who had waited in the drizzle to greet him. Speaking off the cuff, he asked, “How many of you who are going to be doctors are willing to spend your days in Ghana? Technicians or engineers, how many of you are willing to work in the foreign service and spend your lives traveling around the world?”

The idea of an international volunteer corps of young Americans already had been percolating in Congress, but the Michigan students got the ball rolling, gathering hundreds of signatures on a petition expressing a willingness to serve in poor countries. Kennedy formally proposed a Peace Corps in a San Francisco speech a few days before winning one of the closest elections in U.S. history. On March 1, 1961, JFK signed an executive order creating the agency, which Congress later wrote into law. Among the first volunteers were Alan and Judy Guskin, the Michigan graduate students who organized the petition drive. Half a century later, no tour of the Michigan campus is complete without a stop to read the inscription on the marker on the Union steps: “Conception of Peace Corps First Mentioned on This Spot October 14, 1960.”

ITC 2012 Michigan  Provost
Provost Philip Hanlon says Michigan has made tough budgetary decisions while remaining on its “upward trajectory” and expanding international activities.

The Peace Corps connection is an indelible part of the identity of the University of Michigan, which enrolls nearly 6,000 international students and offers instruction in 65 languages, from Bamana and Bosnian to Tamil and Twi to Urdu and Uzbek. Founded almost two centuries ago, U-M (it prefers the hyphen and never tires of seeing its block letter M logo stamped on sweatshirts and signs) boasts the seventh largest endowment of any U.S. university ($7.8 billion), according to the National Association of College and University Business Officers, and conducts more research ($1 billion-plus) than any campus other than Johns Hopkins, according to the National Science Foundation. Constitutionally autonomous, it has weathered large cuts in state funding and still managed to hire dozens of new, tenure-track faculty, all while squeezing over a decade nearly a quarter-billion dollars in recurring costs from its $1.6 billion operating budget. “We have navigated this period well. We’ve remained on our upward trajectory and been able to do a lot of things we wanted to do, like increase the number of students who are studying abroad,” said Provost Philip Hanlon.

Ramping Up International Activities

From a campus with 27,000 undergraduates and 14,000 graduate students, the education abroad numbers have doubled since 2004–05 to nearly 2,000 in 2010–11, with 1,300 others heading abroad for service, internships, and other noncredit opportunities. President Mary Sue Coleman has made it her mission to, as she put it, “ramp up our international efforts,” in part by leading deans and faculty on carefully planned trips to Africa, China, and Brazil that have produced expanded research partnerships and other initiatives.

The 2008 trip to Ghana—on which she brought the Michigan Gospel Chorale—and to South Africa led to creation of an African Presidential Scholars Program that brings ten promising young scholars to Ann Arbor each year for residencies, as well as establishment of a new African Studies Center within the International Institute. Coleman has expanded a partnership with Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in Shanghai, where a Michigan faculty member is dean of the UM-SJTU Joint Institute that confers dual degrees in engineering. The U-M Medical School has a $14 million research partnership with Peking University. At the same time, a top-level U-M task force ruled out opening a branch campus in China, as some universities have done. 

International Opportunities for Undergraduates

President Coleman also created in 2009 the Challenge for the Student Global Experience that has raised tens of millions of dollars for education abroad scholarships. She found internal funds to match $1 for every $2 of large donations, made the first gift herself, and later donated her 2011 salary increase as well. 

More than half of Michigan students (53 percent) now study outside Europe, compared with 38 percent eight years ago. The Center for Global and Intercultural Study within the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, operates the largest education abroad office on the decentralized campus. U-M faculty serve as resident directors of 40 of its 90 study abroad programs. The center also runs a service program called Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEU) that sends 200 students in small groups, each with a professor, to 15 to 20 places in need around the globe each summer. 

Senior Natalie Bisaro, a communications and comparative literature major, spent a month in Grenada working with young children. “Before going, I was kind of terrified of studying abroad, to be honest,” said Bisaro. “This was all pretty much life changing.” She later spent a semester in Switzerland and took a sports management class in Ann Arbor that included two weeks in London looking at preparations for the Summer Olympics. The latter was one of a dozen “Global Course Connections” classes with travel embedded. 

Lester Monts, senior vice provost for academic affairs, pushed for the creation in 2002 of the GIEU program. Monts, an ethnomusicologist and trumpeter who led the U-M Symphonic Band on a tour of China and helped bring to Ann Arbor the only Confucius Institute devoted solely to the arts, said, “One of the things that I’ve tried to do here is not let these big, grand, university initiatives go without some kind of undergraduate involvement,” he said.

Close Ties With Ghana

ITC 2012 Michigan Senior
Biomedical engineering senior Jack Hessburg designed a device to aid Ghanaian midwives.

Fittingly, some of Michigan’s strongest international ties are to Ghana, the country that Kennedy singled out in his remarks on the Union steps. Through a partnership with the Ghanaian Ministry of Health, the University of Ghana, and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, dating to the 1980s, the U-M Medical School has trained most of the country’s obstetrician-gynecologists and helped reverse a “brain drain” of young physicians who used to leave the country for training. Other schools, including Engineering, Public Health, and Social Science, also send faculty to teach and conduct research in Ghana and bring Ghanaian faculty and students to Ann Arbor. 

For a class project, biomedical engineering major Jack Hessburg and classmates spent weeks in Ghana accompanying obstetricians on their rounds in teaching hospitals, and back in Ann Arbor then designed a 17-inch plastic device to place a fabric sleeve around the baby’s head to aid midwives in deliveries. The device awaits approval by health authorities, but “the obstetricians and midwives we were working with were excited and cautiously optimistic,” said Hessburg. 

Sending Engineers and Artists Abroad

The College of Engineering has made a big push to encourage students to study and undertake projects abroad. “We’re broad minded. We talk about study abroad, research abroad, volunteer experiences abroad, engineering projects abroad,” including solar car competitions, said Associate Dean James Paul Holloway. “The goal is not study 
abroad. The goal is for students to get outside their comfort zone.”

The engineers are as much interested “in a challenging experience as they are in academic credit,” said Amy Conger, who directs the college’s international programs. “They want an experience that is engaging, professionally relevant, and that’s going to teach them something new. They want to tackle a problem.”

Bryan Rogers, retiring dean of the School of Art and Design, took an art class while completing a PhD in chemical engineering at University of California Berkeley and wound up reengineering himself into a sculptor and installation artist. The School of Art and Design is the smallest school at Michigan, and Rogers spent a couple of years selling the idea of education abroad to his faculty before convincing them to make international travel and study a requirement for the major. Rogers, who did postgraduate work at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, said, “Being somewhere else helped me better understand who I was. That’s what I want for our students and faculty…. The idea is not to go somewhere and get culture dust sprinkled on you, but to get away from the things that you’re familiar with and have an experience that helps you see where you came from.”

Global Scholars for Life

The university keeps expanding its international ambit in ways small and large. Three years ago it created a living-learning community it calls the Global Scholars Program in which U.S. and international students dwell together on the top two floors of a 10-story dorm and work on social justice projects. “When we advertise, we say we want students who are interested in making the world a better place,” said Jennifer Yim, the director. It quickly filled up with 35 students the first year, 70 the second, and the capacity of 130 the third year. “My students say ‘GSP for life,’” Yim said.

ITC 2012 Michigan Student
Senior Xiaoxiao Liu from Bejing completed three majors.

Xiaoxiao Liu, a senior from Beijing, served as a GSP resident adviser. He was also president of the student government’s international student affairs committee. Liu won math competitions as a schoolboy in China, but came to the United States for college because he wanted to learn more than the math and sciences emphasized in China’s universities. “Here you can speak whatever you want to say. People tend to have more diverse views of what’s going on. That’s something I really wanted to explore,” said Liu, who pulled off a rare triple major in actuarial math, statistics, and economics.

John Greisberger, director of the International Center, is heartened by the growing number of international undergraduates serving as resident advisers. “Four years ago, fewer than five of the 150 to 160 resident advisers were international students. Now it’s close to 40,” said Greisberger. “It’s a great job on campus. They get free housing and a meal plan. It really does build a multicultural environment within the residence halls.”

An Area Studies Powerhouse

Michigan is an area studies bastion, with six national resource centers among the International Institute’s 18 centers, plus a federally funded international business center. But that distinctive strength also means the Michigan centers were hard hit in 2011 when Congress cut Title VI funding for the national resource centers by 47 percent. Mark Tessler, vice provost for international affairs, said, “We’re better prepared than most. Some of these centers actually have endowments. I think the university will support us for a while.” But “the biggest unanswered question” is what happens in the long run to the dozens of less commonly taught languages, Tessler said. “If universities like us don’t offer them, then the U.S. just won’t have this capacity.” 

“We think it’s very important for a place like Michigan to keep the breadth and depth as much as possible because we know that many other institutions cannot.”

Kenneth Kollman, director of the International Institute, is looking to foundations to help fill in the $1.5 million, two-year funding gap. Although foreign language and area studies fellowships were not cut, Kollman said Michigan has had to cut back on summer language workshops and training for Michigan high school teachers. The university once calculated that it takes 29 students to pay for each section of a language course, but some of the centers’ languages— including Persian, Serbo-Croatian, Tamil, and Quechua—have as few as five students, he said.

Geography Lesson

The university in 2010 launched a “Global Michigan” Web site,, that pulls together resources and encourages students and faculty to conduct study and research abroad. “The world is today’s college campus. Never before have we had so much to learn from other nations and cultures,” Coleman says in a videotaped message that ends, “Go Blue—abroad!”

ITC 2012 Michigan Law Library
The lights are low but they burn late into the night at the Michigan law library.

Coleman is unwilling to cede any of Michigan’s 65 languages as expendable.

“We think it’s very important for a place like Michigan to keep the breadth and depth as much as possible because we know that many other institutions cannot,” the president said. Cutting programs “is our last resort.”

“We had an experience back in the 1980s when we had one of these budget crunches and made the decision to close a couple of academic departments,” including geography, Coleman said. “Everybody thought there wasn’t any future in geography and then GPS [Global Positioning System] came along with all sorts of new things. Now it’s a very robust discipline. Anybody looking back now would think that decision was silly. So we are very careful; reducing languages for us would be a very serious decision.” 

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2012 Comprehensive Northern Arizona

The strides that Northern Arizona University (NAU) is making on all fronts in international education—doubling international enrollments, tripling participation in education abroad, marshaling enthusiastic faculty support for a Global Learning Initiative that will infuse more global content into the curriculum discipline by discipline—shows what a committed institution can do even under exacting budgetary circumstances. NAU has raised its international profile and activities even while dealing with the loss of a third of its state aid ($60 million) over four years. Part of its success stems from finding a novel way to finance the Global Learning Initiative, coupled with strong leadership and resolute support from the top.  

ITC 2012 Northern Arizona Vice Provost
Vice Provost for International Affairs Harvey Charles stresses the importance of allowing faculty to define global learning outcomes for their own disciplines.

Arizona’s third-largest university, perched beneath the scenic San Francisco Peaks in Flagstaff, already was deeply involved in study and research across the American Southwest—the 27,000-square mile Navajo Nation is next door. The global engagement push has it looking even farther. The university made global engagement a strategic priority and hired Harvey Charles as vice provost for international affairs and director of the Center for International Education. Charles earlier directed international education offices at Wheaton College in Massachusetts, Georgia Tech, and San Francisco State University. President John Haeger and Provost Liz Grobsmith convened the Task Force for Global Education in 2008 and charged it with crafting a blueprint for transforming NAU into a global campus and ensuring that graduates were ready to compete in a global economy. While 18 faculty and administrators formed the nucleus of the task force, 30 other faculty and the then-mayor of Flagstaff, Joe Donaldson, served on five subcommittees (the mayor was on the community engagement panel). They came up with numerous ways to embed global learning throughout academic majors, general education courses, and cocurricular activities. “It is our hope that students will have multiple and substantive encounters (as opposed to merely a one-course requirement) with these perspectives,” said the panel. The faculty Senate gave its blessings to the panel’s raft of recommendations in 2010.

Fast Forwarding Course Development

Anthropologist Miguel Vasquez recalled a meeting to winnow four dozen faculty proposals in the running for $4,000 seed grants to develop new courses. “Harvey walked in and said, ‘Let’s make this easy. I want to award every one of these grants because this is what we’re trying to do on this campus. We’ve got the money, so let’s do it,’” said Vasquez. “It pushed the whole thing fast forward.” The university-wide belt-tightening brought on by the reductions in state appropriations actually whetted faculty appetites for the global initiative, said Blase Scarnati, director of the Global Learning Initiative. “Things started moving around the table, and that kind of kinetic energy made a lot of innovative things possible.”

“Instead of generic global learning outcomes, we’re talking about global learning outcomes in the language of physics, dental hygiene, electronic media and film, engineering.”

Each department was charged with defining global learning outcomes for its own discipline. “Instead of having a university-wide committee telling everybody how to do global learning, we’ve given the responsibility to the faculty themselves,” explained Charles. “Instead of generic global learning outcomes, we’re talking about global learning outcomes in the language of physics, dental hygiene, electronic media and film, engineering.”

Looking at the World Through Sustainability, Diversity Lenses

ITC 2012 Northern Arizona Exchange Student
Feng (Bruce) Wang came as a business exchange student and stayed to work on its China Program Initiatives and earn a master’s degree.

The faculty also were pressed to realign the curriculum in ways that buttressed three bedrock NAU values: sustainability, diversity, and global engagement. Charles launched a twice-a-year, 20-page magazine, NAU Global, that explained the changes ahead and shone a beacon on the extensive study and research that faculty and students were undertaking overseas.

Scarnati, a musicologist, said even minor course adjustments “can have quite a dramatic impact” on internationalizing the curriculum. Assigning civil engineering students to design a bridge for Kenya instead of Arizona requires the same complex math calculations, but also forces students to weigh “all sorts of cultural issues in terms of materials and workforce management,” Scarnati said. When professors and students looked closely, global issues hit closer to home than some realized. In Scarnati’s own department, awareness grew about the threats that development poses to the African blackwood trees that provide the wood to make oboes and other woodwinds. 

It will take time to see some changes bear fruit. Starting in fall 2012, a five-year Global Science and Engineer Program (GSEP) offers science and engineering majors the opportunity to spend a full year studying and interning abroad and to earn a second bachelor’s degree in French, German, or Spanish (or a minor in Chinese and Japanese). It is modeled after the University of Rhode Island’s groundbreaking dual-degree program. Eck Doerry, an associate professor of computer science who used to take rising sophomores on “icebreaker” summer trips to Germany, said, “Engineers are going to have to change how they behave.”

Global Engagement Outside the Classroom

Paul Trotta, professor of civil and environmental engineering and adviser to the Engineers Without Borders (EWB) chapter, led students on service trips to a village in Ghana to build a solar-powered water station and perform other work, including building quarters for a village nurse. They undertook the latter after village leaders identified their most pressing need not as more solar power, but as lodging, to convince the government to send them a nurse. When an engineering student came down with malaria, an anthropology student stepped up to manage construction. It wasn’t applied anthropology, but “what a wonderful experience she had,” said Trotta. EWB also has undertaken wastewater projects on the island of Roatán, 30 miles off the coast of Honduras. “We need projects closer to home,” said Trotta, who noted it costs as much to fly one student to Ghana as it does to build a well.

Leslie Schulz, executive dean of the College of Health and Human Services, led a December 2011 service trip to a Tibetan refugee camp in Mainpat, India. Schulz, a nutritionist and diabetes researcher, brought a dozen faculty and students—dental hygienists, engineers, and sustainable community experts—on the journey that began with two days of flying and an arduous 17-hour bus ride. They dwelled for eight days in a Buddhist monastery and, with other Flagstaff volunteers, fanned out to seven refugee camps providing care, mapping needs, and trying to improve the spotty electricity supply. Schulz brought the leader of the Mainpat community to Flagstaff in May 2012 to help convince other NAU colleges to pitch in on future trips. Her only criterion for who goes is that each must be able “to contribute something to the community, not just study people.”

Surge in International Enrollment

NAU’s international enrollments have nearly doubled since 2008, paced by a surge in students from China and Saudi Arabia. Its  intensive English program “had a huge bump in enrollment,” from 90 students in spring 2009 to 220 in fall 2010, said William Crawford, director and associate professor of linguistics. The program recently expanded into a former elementary school building; the playground, still equipped with slides, is now a designated smoking area.

ITC 2012 Northern Arizona Class
An intensive English instructor and students from Saudi Arabia.

Mandy Hansen, director of international admissions and associate director of the Center for International Education, said NAU’s size and locale is a draw. Sunny Flagstaff has a population of 60,000 and, at 6,900 feet elevation, stays cooler in summer than Phoenix. “In a smaller town like Flagstaff and a midsize school, they can find their place. Parents feel really comfortable sending their students here,” said Hansen. Catherine Ribic, director of international students and scholars, said some “are unhappy when they get here, but then they’re unhappy to leave.” 

NAU was an original participant in an American Association of State Colleges and Universities initiative to promote dual degrees with Chinese universities, and it now has agreements with four dozen universities for a variety of 2+2, 1+2+1, and 1+3 programs. Four of the 35 staff members of the Center for International Education work on the China initiatives. Among them is graduate student Bruce Feng Wang, who originally came to NAU on a 2+2 exchange from Beijing International Studies University. As a junior business major, Wang was part of a student delegation that met Warren Buffett in Omaha, Nebraska. He even got to question the legendary investor about his decision to invest in a Chinese electric car company—an investment that subsequently turned sour. “NAU has really valued international education,” said Wang. “I have friends who went to bigger universities, but they don’t provide the resources for international students that NAU does.”

Grabbing Every Opportunity

The Chinese government pays for faculty to attend what NAU calls its Scholar Academy where they learn about U.S. higher education and pedagogical approaches. Dozens of NAU faculty have lectured in China. Grobsmith allowed Charles to retain some revenues from the Scholar Academy to help fund other global activities, including the engineering dual degrees and a symposium highlighting student research. “We found a mechanism that enables him to invest in all these initiatives that have put us on the map,” said Grobsmith, who retired in June 2012 as provost and became special assistant to the president for strategic and international initiatives (The new provost is Laura Huenneke, biologist and former NAU vice president for research). NAU now is looking to create dual-degree programs with universities in Indonesia, India, and elsewhere. “Every opportunity that comes along, we try to grab it,” said Grobsmith. “There’s just unending opportunity. There’s a tremendous value placed on American-style education, and people are hungry to get their students here.”

Michelle Harris, associate professor of sociology, helped establish a dual master’s degree program with the University of Botswana. Two NAU graduate students spent 2011–12 in Botswana, while Thembelihle Ndebele spent the year earning a master’s degree in Flagstaff. Harris said the soft-spoken Ndebele helped give Arizona students “a taste of the world” in every class she took. Ndebele spent part of her year in Flagstaff interning with Catholic Charities. “I’ve learnt a lot from this experience. It will help me go back and try to boost our child safety systems,” she said.

Go Scholarships and Frequent Sales Pitches

Student participation in faculty-led education abroad courses tripled in three years. So-called GO Scholarships ranging from $250 to $1,000 are helping fuel growth. Half the $100,000 awarded comes from a small fee collected by the student government from all 17,000 undergraduates. There were 20 faculty-led study trips in 2012, mostly in summer. “We presented to 3,400 students in person in spring 2012 through class visits, information sessions, and fairs on campus,” said Eric Deschamps, director of education abroad. NAU focuses mainly on exchanges, which puts education abroad “within reach of a lot of our students,” he added. Still, even with growth in education abroad offerings, only 355 NAU students studied abroad in 2010–11.

NAU serves many first-generation college students and others with little familiarity with other countries and cultures, even though Mexico is just across the border. On a class for graduate students that Charles led to view student affairs operations at European universities in May 2010, more than half the participants were traditionally underrepresented students. Among them was Marvin Jim, a Navajo graduate student who works at NAU’s Native American Cultural Center. He called the trip “a defining moment in my life. We went to Europe with lots of questions and came back with even more. We got out of our comfort zones.” 

Senior Ruth Naegele gave up a career in supply management to start college in midlife and spent a semester at the University of South Australia on a Gilman Scholarship. It “could not have been a better experience,” said Naegele.

Early Stage of the Journey

NAU is still at an early stage of this journey but is well positioned to keep accelerating its progress. Vasquez, the anthropologist, noted the Southwest “is the only place in the world where the so-called first and third worlds share a border.” Both international and minority enrollments are growing. A decade ago 77 percent of students were white; now they comprise 66 percent. Latino enrollment jumped almost 8 percent from 2010 to 2011, while 5 percent more international students enrolled. “This place is a wonderful laboratory for diversity,” said Vasquez. The Global Learning Initiative gives NAU faculty and students new opportunities to learn about the world—and themselves.

ITC 2012 Northern Arizona Surveying
Engineering students practice surveying on campus.
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2013 Comprehensive Green River Community College

Only nine community colleges across the United States enroll more international students than the 1,500 at Green River Community College, and those others are all much larger and in bigger places than Auburn, Washington, a suburb 20 miles south of Seattle. Green River enrolls 8,000 students on a wooded, hilltop campus and two branch campuses. This happened neither by accident nor overnight.

ITC 2013 Green River President
President Emeritus Rich Rutkowski opened Green River’s doors wide to international students.

The story of how all these international students got there is a tale that starts a quarter century ago when the board of trustees approved then-President Rich Rutkowski’s plan to create an international programs division under the guiding hand of then-dean of students Mike McIntyre. “World peace through education was always part of my philosophy,” said McIntyre, now retired as executive vice president for instruction and student affairs. Rutkowski, a pragmatic former business manager, saw early on how internationalizing and “looking outward’ could redound to the benefit of the college and a community with a surging immigrant population and where many owe their livelihoods to exports. 

Their first big step was striking a deal to open a small campus in Kanuma, Japan, in 1990 bankrolled by a Japanese politician and magnate who had earlier built a branch for Edmonds Community College campus in Kobe. The arrangement with Green River fell apart in less than a year—Edmonds would close shop seven years later amid a financial scandal—but “it was a launch pad” for Green River’s international activities, said Rutkowski, who retired in 2010 after 27 years.

“The freedom in the early days was unbelievable. Anything was possible,” said McIntyre, who still keeps a hand in cultivating Green River’s international partnerships. Despite the branch’s brief existence, Green River’s name now was known in Japan— classes had been heavily advertised in the Tokyo Metro—and students began journeying to Green River for intensive English classes. When former ESL head and then-executive director of international programs Ross Jennings asked for $10,000 for an exploratory, three-month solo trip to China, McIntyre and Rutkowski said yes. Jennings, now vice president, made fast inroads, convincing dubious U.S. consular officers it wasn’t risky to issue visas for Chinese students to enroll in community colleges. McIntyre said, “We more or less opened China up for community colleges.”

A Running Start

Fast forward 15 years and today 559 of Green River’s 1,500 international students are from China, including teens as young as 16 finishing high school and working on an associate degree at the same time. They enter through a Washington State-authorized program that allows 11th and 12th graders—local or international—to earn both a high school diploma and a college degree. This has not been without controversy. Some faculty are at odds with President 

Eileen Ely over the youngest international students’ maturity, English skills, and readiness for college work. But college officials say the young students who advance out of ESL are earning the same stellar grades—3.5 GPA on average—as older international students. The top sending countries after China are Vietnam, South Korea, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan, and Taiwan.

A track record of success in student transfers to universities and extensive support services are the principal reasons Green River draws international students in droves, college leaders said. Arrayed on pegs around the wall of Jennings’ office in the McIntyre International Village (four gray, one-story buildings including ESL classrooms) are colorful baseball hats from dozens of those schools, including Indiana University, University of Washington, University of California-Berkeley, Cornell, and Ohio State.

Home Stays and On-Campus Housing

The college issued bonds in 2003 and partnered with a private developer to build its first student apartments, something most community colleges lack. It is a strong selling point for parents nervous about sending their teens to a distant country. Some 340 local and international students dwell in the 87-unit Campus Corner Apartments, which has a lounge and other amenities but no cafeteria. Many others live with 400-plus host families, while some rent and share apartments and houses on their own.

For $650 a month, the host families provide meals and a room of the student’s own and drive them to campus if there is no bus route. Cyndi Rapier, director of international housing, tells townspeople that “if you’re doing it for the money, don’t do it. You have to value the international experience and value opening your home to these students.” The vast majority do. Deb Casey, vice president of student services, said the students she has hosted from France, Denmark, Egypt, and Afghanistan “have been amazing. It’s been a great experience for my daughter.” Rapier said some students she hosted came back to attend her sons’ weddings.

A Program Within a Program

A staff of more than 50 (including 30 full-time) works with international students. “We’ve become a destination point because of the way we treat our students,” said Ely. “We don’t have the sunshineall-the-time that California has, but we can almost guarantee that a student can get into a four-year institution.” Ely, a Seattle area native who previously headed a Nebraska college, added, “We get accused of handholding the student too much, but I don’t think you can handhold enough.”

Green River, like all 1,600 U.S. community colleges, is an open access institution that offers career and technical courses as well as academic classes. About half its students are on the college transfer track to which most international students aspire, and half of all first-time, full-time freshmen graduate or transfer within three years. Jennings said international students transfer at much higher rates. “What we’ve been able to do is create a program within a program. Our job is to put them on a transfer track and make sure we monitor that every step of the way.” He said 10 percent of students wash out during intensive English, but most transfer.

“I felt like something was missing. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone.”

“We’re not unmindful of the fact that they don’t really come to Green River to come to us. They come to get into USC, Washington, Indiana” and other universities, he added. 

Strong Returns on International Education

The main campus is literally in the woods a few miles from restaurants and shops in downtown Auburn, which can be a shock for students from metropolises with millions of people. Green River is considering adding student housing to a branch it has opened in nearby Kent in the middle of an “urban village” teeming with shops and restaurants and on a commuter rail stop. It already offers ESL classes there.

Green River’s investment in Kent has been made possible by the large returns the college has generated from its investments in educating international students. Vice President for Business Affairs Rick Brumfield said that since 1988 the Office of International Programs has generated more than $109 million in gross revenues that netted the college more than $53 million.

That money “has allowed Green River to maintain and expand classes, programming, services, and capital projects that support all students who study at Green River,” he said. “This has been particularly critical during difficult economic times and with the decline in state funding of public higher education.”

Teaching Service and Activism

The international students who come to Green River get not only grades on their transcripts but notations of how much community service they performed. Martha Koch, manager of international student activities, said there is never any shortage of volunteers for projects her office organizes. “They’re at the food bank, they’re planting trees, they might be removing invasive blackberries or helping at the Seattle marathon,” said Koch, jokingly adding, “We could be breaking rocks and they’re like, ‘Yeah! Let’s do it.’” She encourages students to keep a portfolio and show their service certificates to universities when they apply for admission and scholarships.

ITC 2013 Green River Student Government
Student government Vice President Yu Sato of Japan, an aspiring research veterinarian, and her pet Chihuahua Dozer

Yu Sato arrived from Tokyo in 2010 at age 18 for intensive English classes. At first she stuck to her studies and hung out with friends, but “I felt like something was missing. I wanted to get out of my comfort zone.” She threw herself into activities and wound up as vice president of student government. The diminutive Sato, who wants to become a research veterinarian, also got a Chihuahua that she carried everywhere, à la Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde. Now the 4.0 student is carting it around her new school, the University of California, Berkeley.

Koen Valks, 19, of Amsterdam, Netherlands, arrived at age 17 to do a gap year on a Fulbright-arranged program before starting at a Dutch university, but stayed for a second year and now has transferred to American University as an international relations major. He was one of Green River’s five “international student ambassadors.”

The son of a former diplomat, Valks aspires to follow in his father’s footsteps. He expressed gratitude to Green River for teaching him how to work with people from many different countries and cultures, a skill “I’m going to use the rest of my life.”

An aspiring electrical engineer, Ugo Nwachuku, 19, of Lagos, Nigeria, also came to Green River at 17. “I don’t think I would have had the right attitude and mental state to carry on and be a good student if I’d gone straight to university,” said Nwachuku, who won a scholarship to Drexel University. This “prepares you for a whole lot of situations in life.”

Studying in Japan and Australia

Education abroad is a tough sell at Green River, as it is at most community colleges due principally to financial reasons, but programs to Japan, Australia, and New Zealand are popular. Sixty-four students studied abroad in 2011–2012. Gary Oliveira, who teaches photography, led Green River’s own 10-week study program in Japan four times. “Many do it on financial aid and loans. A lot don’t get help from their parents,” said Oliveira. “I’ve had students who brought a lunch on every field trip and did whatever they could to cut costs.” 

Among the most popular and longest running is the 10-week education abroad program that history Professor Bruce Haulman, now emeritus, has led to Australia and New Zealand each winter since 2001. It draws 30 students, including some from other Washington community colleges. Haulman had to turn students away from a popular London program in the 1990s. He applauded the support he got from college leaders. “It’s an entrepreneurial model. If you want to do something and it’s not going to have a negative financial impact, why not try?” Haulman said.

Development Works Open a New Chapter

As vice president of international programs and extended learning, Edith Bannister, newly retired, cultivated partnerships with schools in Denmark, France, Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, China, Finland, and Iceland.

Her spouse, Barry Bannister, director of international development, has opened a new international chapter for Green River by undertaking projects for the U.S. State Department. The Australian educator and management consultant has worked on international education projects across Asia and the Middle East for the World Bank and other clients.

Since 2007 Green River has won $1.5 million in U.S. State Department grants to host students from developing countries each summer. Green River is the only community college among four institutions offering the Study of the United States Institutes for Student Leaders (SUSI) program on women’s leadership. Female students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan took classes in summer July 2013, and in the past students have come from the Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India to study communications, human rights, the U.S. Constitution, and gender. Edith Bannister, who directs the project, said, “It’s helped internationalize the faculty.” 

“World history professor Michelle Marshman called it “an absolute gift” to have these students in her classes.”

ITC 2013 Green River Professor
History Professor Michelle Marshman stays in touch with students from Pakistan and the Middle East who attended a summer leadership program.

World history professor Michelle Marshman called it “an absolute gift” to have these students in her classes. Barry Bannister, Marshman and sociology instructor Louise Hull led a workshop in Delhi, India, in December 2012 for 40 past SUSI participants. Marshman stays in touch with them by e-mail and Facebook and got firsthand accounts on the Arab Spring from students in Egypt. “Learning is a twoway street,” she said.

Green River, located in a valley that is a hub of the aviation industry, has provided classroom training for future pilots and air traffic controllers in partnership with institutions in China and Japan.

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2014 Comprehensive The Ohio State University

The Ohio State University (OSU) is imposing by any dimension. Its 64,000 students make it the third largest higher education institution in the United States. The research budget is closing in on $1 billion. Recently it generated nearly a half-billion dollars for its endowment by leasing to an Australian firm the concession to operate the campus parking garages for 50 years. When it piloted an undergraduate mentorship program that came with a $2,000 carrot that could be used for education abroad, it started with 1,000 students. “We don’t do anything small in Ohio State,” said Dolan Evanovich, vice president for strategic enrollment planning.

But five years ago its president, provost, and faculty decided that Ohio State was not sufficiently international. They set out to remedy that in a hurry. Today Ohio State has what it calls Global Gateway offices in Shanghai, China, Mumbai, India, and São Paulo, Brazil’s largest city, and it’s eyeing which continent will be next. International enrollments have rocketed from 4,000 to 6,000, mostly due to a large influx of Chinese undergraduates, who now comprise two-thirds of all 3,600 students the world’s largest country sends off to Columbus. Education abroad enrollments have spiked from 1,716 to 2,255, thanks to a switch from quarters to semesters and the introduction of May session courses. Deans of the 14 colleges have embraced the strategy, recognizing internationalization is vital to their mission, not to mention their job evaluation.

ITC 2014 Ohio Vice President
Vice President for Enrollment Services Dolan Evanovich

Even colleges deeply engaged for years in overseas research and partnerships now see new doors opening. Bruce McPheron, dean of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, said, “This gateway strategy provides an opportunity not only to build lasting partnerships with other scholars, but with the private and public sectors, just like we do here as a land-grant university.”

What’s taking place, said Vice Provost for Global Strategies and International Affairs William Brustein, is that internationalization has become rooted in “the campus community’s DNA.”

Sherri Geldin, director of Ohio State’s showcase Wexner Center for the Arts, which just mounted an exhibition on the work of contemporary Brazilian artists and filmmakers, observed, “It’s nothing we even have to think about very consciously. It just happens.”

New Leadership and Status for International Affairs

Ohio State wooed Brustein from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2009 by elevating the position of senior international officer to the rank of vice provost and including him in the Council of Deans. Brustein also was promised “that he would have the attention of not only the provost, but also the president. Symbolically that’s critical,” said Joseph Alutto, provost at the time and later interim president after E. Gordon Gee stepped down in 2013 (it was the globally minded Gee who set a goal of making Ohio State “the landgrant university to the world).”

“This university was punching under its weight when it came to comprehensive internationalization,” said Brustein, who also was given an office in Bricker Hall on the Oval amidst the rest of the university’s leadership. “A lot was going on in the colleges, but in terms of having signature university programs and an institutional strategy, those didn’t exist.” Kelechi Kalu, a professor of African American and African Studies, was tapped in 2012 for associate provost, overseeing day-to-day operations of the Office of International Affairs (OIA) in century-old Oxley Hall.

A President’s and Provost’s Council on Strategic Internationalization prepared a detailed blueprint for engaging more faculty and students in global learning, teaching, and research. Undergirding the strategy were what the council called its six “pillars”: recruiting more international faculty and students, promoting scholarship on global issues, creating dual-degree programs, developing an international physical presence, increasing international experiences for students, and collaborating with alumni and Ohio business ventures.

Ohio State has embarked on a 10-year, $400 million initiative to hire 500 new, interdisciplinary faculty to pursue breakthroughs on the “grand challenges of the twenty-first century” in three realms: energy and environment, food production and safety, and health and wellness. These Discovery Themes, as Ohio State calls them, all have deep international dimensions.

Understanding the Worth of Global Gateways

Ohio State leaders originally thought the gateway offices could largely cover their $250,000-a-year costs by generating revenues from executive training, which would subsidize recruiting and academic activities. Professors would fly in from Columbus to provide executive training in short bursts. But “the price points for delivering executive-type education in China and India are not what they are here in the U.S.,” said Christopher Carey, a West Point graduate who is Global Gateways director.

The original business model, Brustein said, “was overly ambitious” and undervalued the academic benefits accruing from these overseas outposts.

“We said, ‘Let’s look at what the gateways are doing in terms of assisting the quantity and quality of the students who are coming here, particularly from China, and let’s monetize that. Let’s look at (how) they’re facilitating faculty teaching and research collaborations. Let’s look at the monetary value of the new internships and study abroad programs that we’ve created,’” he recalled. That reasoning carried the day.

New dual-degree programs have sprouted with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and other institutions. The gateways energized local Buckeye alumni, one of whom donated prime office space in Mumbai. With a half-million living alumni, Buckeyes are everywhere. “We just started our own alumni club in Shanghai,” boasted David Williams, dean of the College of Engineering. “We’re building the same kind of network for engineers we have here in this country.” The gateway also gives Ohio State an edge in recruiting “fabulous” Shanghai Jiao Tong students for graduate school, he added.

“None of this is cheap, but if you’re going to do it, you have to do it well,” said Alutto, the former longtime dean of the Fisher College of Business, who returned to the faculty after Ohio State’s new president, Michael Drake, took office this summer.

Ramping Up Student Services and Friendship

As recently as a quarter century ago, Ohio State had open admissions and nearly nine in 10 students were from Ohio. As it raised standards, it attracted more out-of-staters and international students, who together now make up nearly a third of the student body. Engineering and business are the biggest draws for the 6,000 international students.

The emphasis now is not on driving that number higher, but diversifying the pool and improving the experience when they reach Columbus. “We’re concentrating on making sure that our students are well taken care of, feel welcome, and integrate well into the fabric of Ohio State,” said Gifty Ako-Adounvo, international student and scholar services director.

Improved services come at a price. Ohio State in 2012 added a $500 per-term fee to tuition for new international undergraduates to expand academic support and extracurricular programs, provide more English proficiency instruction, and offer more housing options. It also underwrote the $175,000 cost of flying a 10-person team from admissions, international affairs, and student life to China to hold full-blown preorientation sessions for hundreds of incoming students and their parents.

The raft of extracurricular programming includes weekly “Global Engagement Nights” that bring dozens of U.S. and international students together. Xin Ni Au, 21, a nutrition major from Johor, Malaysia, attended nearly every one, became a volunteer Global Ambassador, and exuberantly greeted new arrivals at an OIA booth at the Columbus airport.

ITC 2014 Ohio Global Ambassador
Tianxia “Mark” Gu, a student global ambassador, learned ‘Buckeye pride’ even before he arrived from Shanghai.

Au, a junior, transferred to Ohio State just nine months earlier, but with help from two Malaysian students she found on Facebook, she threw herself into campus life. She’s still surprised “how friendly people are. People smile and say, ‘Hi. How are you?’ and everything. Frankly, you don’t get that in Malaysia.”

Tianxia “Mark” Gu, 22, a senior from Shanghai, also became a Global Ambassador. The gregarious Gu said he was “pretty shy” before coming to Columbus, but now counts more than 50 students as close friends. A self-described “super sports fan,” he “learned the Buckeye pride before I came here.” He credits his American accent to watching reruns of the sitcom Friends back in Shanghai and considers Monica, the perfectionist, a role model. The finance and math major wants to return to China and develop job search software to help people “build their dream.”

Tackling Rabies and Cervical Cancer in Ethiopia

Wide-ranging partnerships in Ethiopia with universities, government agencies, and NGOs testify to the breadth of resources Ohio State can summon to address endemic health problems. Its “One Health” initiative musters administrators, faculty, and students from all seven OSU health science colleges, as well as the business college and others. Already the collaboration has laid the groundwork for a mass campaign to vaccinate dogs against rabies and introduce cervical cancer screening in places where that has never been done.

Spearheading the One Health work in Ethiopia is Wondwossen Gebreyes, a veterinary molecular epidemiologist. “We’ve been teaching courses there every summer since 2009,” said Gebreyes. “For the past two years we’ve adopted the One Health model and expanded the disciplines.” For him, One Health is a way to pay back the poor farmers whose cattle Gebreyes once treated after earning a veterinary degree at Addis Ababa University (he also has a PhD from North Carolina State). “I got all my education in Ethiopia for free on their shoulders,” he said.

Usha Menon, vice dean of the College of Nursing, has journeyed to Addis Ababa four times to teach and prepare a pilot cervical cancer screening program in the Amhara region. A half-dozen nursing students accompanied her on the last trip. Nearly 90 percent of cervical cancer occurs in the developing world, where four of five women have never been screened, said Menon, who came to Ohio State in 2012. “I’ve never seen this level of collaboration at other schools among the health sciences.” Menon encountered fewer bureaucratic hurdles for her screening since Gebreyes already had secured permission from the Ethiopian government for the larger One Health project. “That’s the joy of Ohio State for me. Cross-collaboration makes these things much easier to do. I don’t have to start from scratch,” she said.

“I’ve never seen this level of collaboration at other schools among the health sciences....That’s the joy of Ohio State for me.”

Tom Gregoire, dean of the College of Social Work, made his first visit to Ethiopia with the One Health team and will return to teach a graduate course. Did the College of Social Work need a kick to internationalize? No, Gregoire said, but the strategic plan “sent a signal from the top and created more enthusiasm around it. It’s more sanctioned. There’s a zillion things one can do around here and a good plan helps you choose.”

Teaching Critical Languages

Ohio State has six Title VI national resource centers, including the National East Asian Languages Resource Center. The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures offers more than 160 language courses and in 2012 received a threeyear, nearly $10 million grant to administer the U.S. State Department’s Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program to establish intensive summer language institutes at partner universities in China, Japan, and Korea.

Professor Galal Walker underscored the difficulty the United States faces in producing enough graduates fluent in these languages. “There are 200,000 Chinese studying in the United States and about 15,000 Americans studying in China, most in very low-level, short-term classes, sometimes with no language at all,” he said. While Mandarin course enrollments have grown to 60,000 at U.S. campuses, 50,000 are at beginner levels, said Walker.

ITC 2014 Ohio Studentts
Students Tanicha Blake and Xin Ni Au of Malaysia.

Walker is doing his part. He runs a two-year master’s program that prepares Americans to work in China-related careers. They do internships in China and spend the second year taking regular classes at a Chinese university. “The idea is to provide our students a basis for having sophisticated interactions with Chinese counterparts, the kind of educated people you meet in large companies and corporations,” said Walker.

Briun Greene, one of those graduate students, first learned Mandarin as a linguist for the Army. Recently he was tapped to serve as the interpreter for a visiting Chinese business delegation at a big trade show in Las Vegas. (The company flew in several of Walker’s students as its guests.)

“You have to be really fast on your feet to do that. He did a great job,” said the professor. The problem is that “very few get up to Briun’s level, which takes 2,500 hours of instruction—more than it takes to earn a law degree.” Greene sees his future as an entrepreneur in China. “I love living in Asia. I felt the most alive there,” he said.

Preparing Stem Faculty for India

When the U.S. Department of State announced in June 2013 that Ohio State had won a prestigious Obama-Singh 21st Century Knowledge Initiative award to expand India’s pipeline for producing science and engineering faculty, astrophysicist Anil Pradhan received accolades as the driving force behind the effort. Two OSU colleagues and a professor at partner Aligarh Muslim University are codirectors.

But Pradhan said “20 to 30 busy people” at OSU and an equal number at the Uttar Pradesh, India, university helped prepare the complex proposal. Ohio State also matched his $150,000 grant and will provide hundreds of thousands of dollars in fellowships to allow future Indian faculty to conduct PhD research, receive mentoring, and earn a master’s degree in teaching in Columbus.

“The idea is to train STEM faculty at the worldclass level,” said Pradhan. “Thousands upon thousands of universities and colleges have opened up in India with practically no (such) faculty.” He hopes to speed up the 10 years of training customarily required.

“Other universities in India are watching this project. It has huge potential,” said Pradhan, who taught radiation physics in India last spring as a Fulbright scholar, one of 14 Ohio State faculty so honored in 2013–2014. Pradhan, who emigrated from India as a teen, had never before ventured outside his laboratory on a project like this, but felt emboldened by OSU’s internationalization efforts. The big U.S. land-grant universities “have the most experience in providing higher education to masses of people,” said Pradhan, and Ohio State can “lead the pack.”

Pradhan is not alone in that belief. “There’s a certain hunger for helping this university realize its goal of global eminence. It’s become everybody’s narrative,” said Kalu.

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