Elizabeth Hendley
Though she is new to this leadership position, Fanta Aw is no stranger to NAFSA—and she has big ideas about the association’s next chapter.
Beth Laux, EdD
Why business acumen is a critical competency now and in NAFSA’s next chapter.
Mark Toner
Student input on funding needs promotes higher study abroad participation.
Four aspects of English-language testing to watch.
Jessica Sandberg, MA
Financial management, like any other essential skill, reflects leadership style. Successful professionals will use it as an opportunity to strengthen their overall leadership profile.
Charlotte West
Five international educators talk about their experience and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field and on their campuses.
Ebony Majeed
Why inclusion and equity are a critical competency now and in NAFSA’s next chapter.
Mark Toner
Diversity, equity, and inclusion and international education scholarship and practice have a long history of interest convergence—and efforts continue to increase.
Karen Doss Bowman
ISSS offices can foster dialogue among students and help them overcome barriers to difficult conversations.
John Gallagher
Leaders with different backgrounds and experiences will better meet the needs of students—and even broaden the appeal of international education.