John Gallagher
Having a PhD or EdD is increasingly the key to professional advancement for senior leaders, but it may not be the right path for everyone.
Melissa Whatley, PhD
Why data collection and analysis is a critical competency now and in NAFSA’s next chapter.
A look back at the events and people that have shaped NAFSA and the field of international education.
Fanta Aw, PhD
The power of storytelling to help us realize our past and chart our future.
The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) is the national awarding and accreditation body in Scotland and a global leader in developing and providing internationally recognized and respected qualifications and assessment services.
Linda Drake Gobbo
Why teaching, learning, and facilitation is a critical competency now and in NAFSA’s next chapter.
David Larsen
With new roles in the post-September 11 reality, international educators have new responsibilities for educating a citizenry that can prosper peacefully in a globally interdependent world.
Christopher Connell
How the global economy has shaped the field of international education since 1990—and how it might shape the field in the years to come.
Christopher Connell
Two and a half years after its launch, SEVIS has become business as usual on campuses—almost.
Terence P. Hannigan
For the international educator who is concerned about the mental health of students who cross borders, there is advice: prevention, prevention, and prevention!