Dana Wilkie
More than half of the 1.2 billion people living in India are younger than 25 years old, and there are far more high school students seeking college spots than there are Indian universities to accommodate them.
Meredith Bell
With Chile’s new tuition-free program, more low-income students across the country are pursuing higher education than ever. However, the program’s shortcomings illustrate the complexity of implementing similar programs in other countries.
Jessica Sandberg, MA
In the United States, many higher education institutions are turning their recruitment sights on secondary schools as a valuable and cost-effective source of international students.
U.S. campuses are finding it may take more than orientation to help international students comfortable and welcome.
Meredith Bell
News and updates from the world of international education.
NAFSA members recommend what to read, listen to, follow, watch, and bookmark.
Bryan McAllister-Grande, EdD
The golden age of international education isn’t in the past—it’s yet to come. The evolving, interdisciplinary field promises exciting developments in the years ahead.
Melissa Morriss-Olson
Cultivating creativity among staff is time well spent for senior international officers and other campus leaders.
Parents tend to be among the most interested—but potentially challenging—stakeholders. How can education abroad professionals deal most effectively with this generation of super-involved parents?
Increasing access to study abroad opportunities to all student populations on campus has been a goal for many education abroad offices nationwide—and efforts are paying off.