A former undergraduate student shares her experience inviting her international classmate home with her for Thanksgiving.
With more Middle Eastern students coming to U.S. campuses, international student offices can help these students adapt to U.S. campus culture and meet their cultural needs.
David Tobenkin
Higher education in Iraq suffered in the aftermath of U.S. military action, but U.S. colleges and universities are building partnerships to help rebuild higher education opportunities for Iraqis.
U.S. universities are infusing global awareness by internationalizing general education requirements.
David Tobenkin
University of Gondar President Desalegne Mengesha Degefaw shares his perspective on the challenges of expanding and improving the African higher education sector.
Charlotte West
Marlene Johnson reflects on her proudest achievements from her tenure as NAFSA's executive director and CEO and where she thinks the field is going in the next few years.
International education news, views, and insights.
Rachel Banks
Educating students from abroad truly makes a difference in the world, not only for the students themselves but also for the United States.
As refugees look for ways to better their chances of making a living and being successful in a new country, universities are stepping up.
With President Barack Obama’s signing of an executive order in 2011, which allowed short-term programs to be offered, the number of opportunities for U.S. students to study in Cuba has grown rapidly.