News and updates from the world of international education.
Kofi Annan, the Li Ka Shing Professor at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, shares his experience serving as the seventh secretary-general of the United Nations and the efforts of the Kofi Annan Foundation.
Restrictive immigration laws impose send a negative, isolationist message to those who come to the United States to study or teach.
Dana Wilkie
Are institutions relying on too many students from one nation? And how can campuses help better integrate the Chinese students they’ve recruited since there may be a significant Chinese population on campus?
Developing a world-class teacher and school leader workforce, equipped with the knowledge and skills to help students succeed in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world, is a critical imperative for the nation and higher education institutions.
Securing a productive academic and social experience in the United States is no sure thing for thousands of bachelor’s degree seekers from China.
Education abroad has long been seen as a valuable résumé enhancer for students, but they often face challenges in articulating exactly how their experience has prepared them to function effectively in a global business environment.
David Tobenkin
Mexican and U.S. scholars are working collaboratively to solve problems on both sides of the border.
Dana Wilkie
Students are learning about multiple routes to building a more peaceful world.
Improving predeparture health disclosures can help students with pre-existing conditions, learning disabilities, and mobility challenges plan for their health care needs and thrive off campus.