Phil Manzano
Nearly half of all international students in the United States study in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, and their significant contributions to the country’s tech and science industries keep the United States on the leading edge of both.
David Tobenkin
Across the globe, a range of government-sponsored internationalization strategies, policies, and funding helps countries attract international students and boost their own student mobility. Does the United States measure up?
David Tobenkin
Across the globe, government-sponsored internationalization strategies, policies, and funding helps countries attract international students and boost their own student mobility.
NAFSA members recommend what to read, listen to, follow, watch, and bookmark to start the year off right.
Charlotte West
Evon Peter discusses his institution’s quest to become a global leader in Alaska Native and indigenous programs, documenting and revitalizing indigenous languages, and the need to promote indigenous leadership in the circumpolar North.
Esther D. Brimmer, DPhil
The belief that human progress is possible is a mindset and outlook that is fundamental to being an international educator.
John Gallagher
Strategies for keeping international students through graduation go beyond encouraging strong academic performance. Retention means ensuring students’ ability to overcome the myriad challenges they face.
Karen Doss Bowman
Institutional priorities and students’ needs create opportunities to take stock of current study abroad offerings and plan for the future.
Rahul Choudaha
International education veterans from around the world anticipate the trends facing—and shaping—the field in 2020 and identify related challenges and opportunities.
NAFSA members recommend what to read, listen to, follow, watch, and bookmark.