Advisers in the United States can glean insights from on-site staff in nontraditional study abroad countries to better prepare U.S. students before they go abroad.
Charlotte West
Despite shifting enrollment patterns, the United States remains the top destination for international students. What are the factors that contribute to students choosing to study on U.S. campuses?
Mark Toner
Students—and the employers who hire them after graduation—are increasingly seeking education abroad programs that develop personal and professional goals for the twenty-first century marketplace.
Andreas Schleicher
The returns on higher education degrees are significant. But who should pay for higher education, and why? OECD's Andreas Schleicher explores the financial indicators that affect international student flows.
Karen Doss Bowman
Incoming NAFSA Board President Ravi Shankar talks about his vision for the organization and its members.
Meredith Bell
South Korea remains a top sending country to the United States, even as the South Korean government pursues an ambitious international student enrollment goal of its own.
Meredith Bell
News and updates from the world of international education.
Esther D. Brimmer, DPhil
NAFSA’s advocacy campaign meets new and rising challenges to international education.
NAFSA members recommend what to read, listen to, follow, watch, and bookmark.
Stuart Anderson
U.S. policymakers need to know the economic contributions and impact that international students have on the country’s business and technology industries.