David Wick, EdD, Tasha Willis, EdD
An excerpt from the recently released Social Justice and International Education connects the goals of international education with the pursuit of social justice.
Esther D. Brimmer, DPhil
Often, successful advocacy relies on building alliances. Working across departments can yield valuable collaboration and support when international offices need it most.
Mark Toner
International offices can leverage data in new ways to advocate for their programs.
Jessica Sandberg, MA
Practical steps to address threats to, and advocate for, IEM during the pandemic.
Mark Toner
For international education leaders, data can be a powerful ally in making the case for programs.
Elizabeth Hendley
A conversation with the author, journalist, and professor on the economic and foreign policy implications for international education.
Charlotte West
Amid travel restrictions and visa processing delays, U.S. institutions and their partners are getting creative to accommodate international students.
A roundup of NAFSA member recommendations for what to watch, listen to, follow, and read.
Charlotte West
The president of Miami University discusses leadership amid uncertainty, what it means to be a global citizen, and which COVID-19-era innovations will remain long term.
Harvey Charles, PhD, Carrie Prior Wojenski, EdD
Structural changes in the makeup of education abroad offices, especially mentoring and hiring practices, are a first step to increasing participation in study abroad across underrepresented student groups.