NAFSA members discuss successful advising approaches, their professional development highlights, and more.
Karen Doss Bowman
Networking, mentoring, and learning from peers are all elements that play an important role in professional and career development.
Gretchen Dobson, EdD, Sandra Rincón, MSc, Şule Yalçın, MSc
International alumni in Turkey and virtual internships in Australia demonstrate the power of international professional development.
John Gallagher
The pandemic squeezed professional development opportunities for international educators. It also opened up new opportunities—and leaders should frame additional responsibilities as preparation for the postpandemic world.
Mark Toner
Four factors to consider as institutions prepare for students to study abroad.
Meredith Bell
A roundup of NAFSA member recommendations for what to watch, listen to, follow, and read.
Sally S. Mudiamu, EdD
How a group in the Pacific Northwest can be a model for virtual exchange administrators to create communities of practice.
Zachary Holochwost, MA 
What the international education community can do to support refugees and displaced populations.
Ana González, OP, Rendy Schrader, Cassi Winslow-Edmonson, MS
Two institutions that foster international student engagement in service projects share their tips for success.
Stephanie Tilley, MEd, Travis Smith, PhD
How international educators can prioritize and amplify efforts to increase global engagement among Black students.