Practice Area Column

Hal Conick
Get personal and think creatively to attract international students and keep them engaged, say enrollment management professionals.
John Gallagher
“Take this opportunity to act”: Why creating a cross-campus team for risk management can help reframe an institution’s approach to risk postpandemic.
Karen Doss Bowman
What to do now to ensure coverage meets evolving needs.
Elizabeth Hendley
Eleven professionals answer six questions about their work going into 2021.
Eduardo Contreras, EdD, Maraina Montgomery, MEd, Hernando Sevilla-Garcia, MS
Tools for education abroad practitioners to address inequities in their work and offices.
Charlotte West
When staff members from different areas of the international office are familiar with each other’s responsibilities—and can provide back-up support when necessary—it boosts strategic goals and builds resilience.
Charlotte West
Though most study abroad programs are suspended due to the pandemic, education abroad professionals can leverage their expertise to develop new opportunities for students closer to home.
Karen Doss Bowman
As resources are increasingly stretched thin, forging partnerships across departments on campus can yield results—and these four action steps can help.
Mark Toner
International offices can leverage data in new ways to advocate for their programs.
Jessica Sandberg, MA
Practical steps to address threats to, and advocate for, IEM during the pandemic.