Practice Area Column

Karen Doss Bowman
Expanding virtual recruitment and finding new ways to collaborate can help enrollment professionals adapt to the new normal.
Karen Doss Bowman
Whether about a natural disaster, car accident, or global pandemic, effectively communicating with students’ parents during times of crisis requires thoughtful preparation.
Charlotte West
How to help international students who remain in the United States, from navigating housing logistics to providing social and emotional support.
Mark Toner
Leveraging locale and playing to strengths can provide opportunities for research and engagement.
An update to the international education community about NAFSA’s recommendations to U.S. government agencies during the current pandemic.
John Gallagher
How to turn vendors into valued collaborators in international enrollment efforts.
Jessica Sandberg, MA
Whether team members are scattered across oceans or across home offices, leaders can rise to meet the challenges of remote work.
John Gallagher
Study abroad programs for secondary school students require special handling, but done right, they can result in life-changing experiences.
Karen Doss Bowman
Institutions can take proactive steps to help international students feel secure in the United States.
Charlotte West
With the right support, this population’s intercultural skills and global competencies can be a boon to internationalization efforts on campus.